Chapter 6: The Maid of Honor

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A month has gone by since Alex and I started our little escapade, and to be frank, I can't remember the last time I felt this... happy? I mean, stress-free, relaxed, and satisfied don't just cut it. I'm walking on air every day. I don't dread mornings anymore. I don't envy the bar-going college kids who have so little responsibility in the world; who can drink until the sun comes up and go home with whomever they please and not have to worry about who might see. I've cut way back on my drinking, which apparently was directly related to my lack of a sex life, and come to think of it Alex and I have only spent one drunken night tangled up together. Honestly, the last time I had sober sex with someone was junior year of college. Fuck that cheating dirt-bag, though. He can't measure up to Alex in any way, shape, or form. Wait, why am I even comparing them? This is two, totally different situations. Sir Dirt Bag and I were exclusive, official boyfriend and girlfriend. Alex is just my best friend who happens to fuck me senseless whenever I so please. Completely different situation- no feelings involved- no comparison necessary. 

I shake my head as my internal dialogue becomes a bit too much, especially given the situation I'm currently in. I'm standing next to my best (girl) friend as she takes the hands of her fiance at the altar. A smile creeps onto my face and I beg the tears to wait until at least the vows as the officiant begins the ceremony.

The entire thing was beautiful. Snow fell silently outside the large windows of the venue. The inside was draped in the warm, dim light of candles and lanterns. White floral arrangements of all shapes and sizes covered every surface. A fireplace crackled near the bar area. It was the perfect winter wedding- Shelby's dream. 

"Congratulations my sweet, beautiful friend!" I cried and wrapped her in a hug at the end of my speech.

Then the party was on. Drinks were flowing, people were laughing, and every able bodied person in the room was on their feet dancing the night away. Even the non-able bodied, aka her Uncle Bob who'd been wheelchair bound since Vietnam, was spinning in his chair, laughing as his wife tried to slow him down.

Shelby runs up to me as Cyclone by Baby Bash came on.

"Mel it's our song!" She shouts. "You have to do the dance with me!"

Senior year a frat party had put on a talent show where the winners would take home a keg. Naturally, we had to preform and you better believe we went home with that keg.

"I don't even know if I remember it!" I laugh back.

"Here," she shoves a shot into my hand. "This should help!"

I shake my head, take the shot, and she drags me to the center of the dance floor where we do, in fact, move our bodies like a cyclone. At the end of the song I look up and see Alex clapping and laughing. He winks as we make eye contact and I feel my face heat as I give him a little finger wave. 

"Best wedding date ever." He smiles as I approach him.

"Oh, date huh?" I poke his shoulder. "I'm pretty sure that violates rule #16." 

Yes, many rules have been added to the envelope that now hangs from a magnet on the fridge such as: no butt stuff, don't call me daddy, never ever ever ever tickle me, and rule 16- never say anything ever that makes it sound like we are together. To avoid any awkwardness, of course. To be fair, most of the rules are based off positive experiences. For example: ass smacking is a yes, multiple orgasms are always welcome, scream my name... you get the point.

"I'm pretty sure anyone you bring to a wedding is considered a date regardless of the situation." He smirks.

"That's your one and only pass, and it's only because I'm 2 drinks and 3 shots in." I smile and tug his arm. "C'mon let's go get another!"

"You go ahead, someone's gotta drive us home." He nods telling me it's okay.

I run off to the bar and order myself another drink, but as I'm walking back to the dance floor I stop dead in my tracks. Over by the fireplace I notice Alex talking to some girl I've never seen before, and not just talking to her, he's making her laugh. My blood turns to ice. A feeling I haven't felt since I caught Sir Dirt Bag in the act with Little Miss Homewrecker (they don't deserve their given names). Back then, it was the jealousy of seeing my boyfriend with another girl. That can't be what's going on here, though... Right? Why am I feeling this way? Why do I want to punch that skank in the face and why do I feel the utmost need to keep Alex to myself? 

It's just because I don't want to lose that astounding dick. Yeah, that's got to be it. I shake it off, down my drink and rush back to the dance floor. I try my best to ignore the urge to look, but fail as my eyes trail back time and time again to Alex and what's her face. She's touching his arm, I grit my teeth and keep dancing. She pulls her dress down, revealing more cleavage when he's not looking, I clench my fists but keep the rhythm going. He brushes her hair behind her ear, I lose. I say goodbyes to my friends, congratulate the happy couple once again, and storm toward Alex.

"I'm ready to leave." I tell him and turn to exit the building.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks worriedly as he runs to catch up with me in the parking lot.

"Just tired." I tell him, refusing to look in his direction.

I, myself, am confused about my actions and have absolutely no way to explain it to him.

"Are you sure? Did you have too much to drink?" He asks, placing is hand on the back of my arm.

"I'm fine I'm just tired and I'm ready to go home." I rip my arm away and reach for the car door.

The drive home is mostly silent, save the quiet tones of the radio.

"You seem upset, are you sure nothing's wrong?" he tries. "Did something happen?"

"Alex I'm fine just leave it alone." I say, staring out the window.

As soon as we get home, I lock myself in my room and bury myself under the covers.

What the FUCK was that??? I was fully prepared to have some mind-blowing, drunk, no-strings-attached, post wedding sex at the beginning of the night. I definitely didn't expect to end up cowering in my bed, replaying the events of the night and trying to figure out what the actual fuck is going on inside my own head.

I was supposed to be screaming his name in ecstasy right now. NOT... whatever the fuck this is.


A/N: Thank ya'll for reading! Now, how do we feel about a little Alex POV, hmm? ;)

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