Chapter 1

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Noah POV

We were driving through a small town on our way to Los Angeles. School was finally over, and it was time for summer break.

My older brother, Liam, suggested a trip to Los Angeles, and we agreed immediately. We decided to travel by car because we love to explore. Flying in a plane is easier, but you miss so much.

My brothers and I always loved to travel and explore. Liam often took us on random vacations, and we would always travel by car. We got to see so much of our country, and that is something we would never have been able to do if we were flying on a plane.

My brothers use our private plane mostly for work or when we travel to Europe, although I am pretty sure that Liam would drive to Europe if it was possible.

I looked at Theo. He was staring at his phone with his usual cold glare. He wasn’t always like that. He had changed ever since that awful night 10 years ago.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the thought. I can’t think about it. It will only make me feel terrible.

“Ezra.” I called my brother. “Can we stop somewhere? I am hungry.”

He looked at me through the rearview mirror and nodded.

“Liam.” Ezra called our eldest brother. “Wake up. We are stopping for breakfast.”

Liam was currently sleeping on the passenger seat. He was the one driving most of the time, and he was really tired. Theo and I recently got our driving licenses, so our brothers let us drive, but only for a short period of time. They didn’t want us to get tired and distracted on the road.

We should be lucky Liam let us drive at all. He barely lets Ezra drive his precious car. I was surprised when he agreed to let Theo and me drive.

Liam mumbled something we couldn’t understand, but he continued sleeping, making himself comfortable.

I chuckled, and Ezra rolled his eyes.

“There is a diner in about 3 miles.” Theo said, not looking up from his phone.

Ezra nodded and looked at me. “Wake him up.”

I shook Liam’s shoulder as hard as I could, and he jumped in his seat.

“What happened?” he yelled.

“We are stopping for breakfast.” Ezra said calmly.

Liam turned around to glare at me. “You didn’t need to shake me as hard as you did. You scared the shit out of me.”

“Sorry.” I shrugged. “Ezra did try to wake you up nicely.”

Liam huffed and turned back to look through the passenger window.

“Where are we?” he asked.

“Somewhere in Colorado.” Ezra said. “We will stop for breakfast. There is a diner in a mile.”

Liam nodded and looked back outside.

In a few minutes, Ezra parked a car in front of a run-down diner. The sign with the diner’s name was broken in half. The paint was faded and chipped off in some places. It didn’t even look like it was open.

“Are you sure this is the right place, Theo?” Liam asked, eyeing the diner suspiciously.

“Yes.” Theo said coldly.

“Let’s just go inside.” Ezra sighed. “I am hungry, and I am in no mood to search for another place to eat. We are in the middle of nowhere.”

I followed my brothers inside. Liam opened the door, and we were welcomed by the smell of bacon, pancakes, and coffee. It smelled delicious.

The interior wasn’t in much better shape. The walls needed a fresh coat of paint, and the chairs and tables really should be replaced. But the smell was amazing. My stomach rumbled loudly.

My brothers and I sat in one of the booths. The diner was empty. There were two other guests, and they were both sitting at the counter.

My gaze went to the waitress. She was standing at the entrance to the kitchen and reaching for something.

I looked back at my brothers. Theo was staring at his phone again. Ezra and Liam were looking through the window. Nobody was in the mood to talk. We needed coffee and food.

A few moments later, I heard footsteps coming toward our table.

“Good morning and welcome to Rosie’s diner.” an angelic voice said. “May I take your order?”

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