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Here is the bonus chapter everyone has been waiting for💙

They all stood in front of y/n's grave. Oikawa stood with heather his arm wrapped around her waist as silent tears streamed down his flushed cheeks. It was chilly out and the cool breeze nipped at their exposed noses and cheeks.

He looked over to his best friend. He looked horrible. Iwaziumi's eyes were red and puffy while still being rimmed with dark circles. His hair was a mass and his eyes were dull and expressionless dispite the tears leaking out of them.

"this is a ceremony in honor of y/n l/n. A daughter and a friend..." The rest of the service fell to deaf ears especially Iwaziumi. He couldn't believe that the love of his life was taken from him so soon. Without him even getting a chance to confess.

"would anyone like to say a few words before we lay her to rest?" Iwaziumi walked up past her mother who was clinging to her husband as she cried hysterically. Feeling a pang in his chest he stood up in front of all of them and cleared his dry throat.

Swallowing the lump in his throat he began. "y/n was an amazing person at heart. She was beautiful, kind and am overall great friend.

She always took care of us and was there for us in a time of need She always put others before herself. Like when she made Oikawa his blue blanket that he lost in a fire" he said looking directly at a shocked Oikawa with a slight glare

"and gave it to his wife so she wouldn't be without a gift to give him. She helped me with my mother when she was too sick to do anything.. I could keep going with y/n's selflessness. It pains me to see her gone so soon. Before she could even fully live her life. But I know she is in a better place now. But she will always be loved and in all our hearts"


The service finished and Iwaziumi walked up to Oikawa who was looking at y/n's grave. "Im...im so sorry I didn't know n/n" he cried and Iwaziumi felt anger rising within him.

"you don't get to be sorry!" He burst out. Luckily everyone went home even heather who left crying after her and Oikawa got into a debate. "iwa-chan?" He asked sadly in confusion. He didn't understand what his best friend was talking about

"don't play dumb! You knew that y/n liked you! And yet you had the audacity to flaunt Heather in her face! You fucking stupid Oikawa! Y/n died miserable because of you! And I loved her but I couldn't confess because she was too in love with your sorry ass!" He yelled he was full on crying now Oikawa looked shocked

Iwaziumi's fist made contact with his cheek toru stumbled back clutching his now bruising cheek. "I'm.. Sorry" he said looking lost. Iwaziumi clenched his fist again raising it before letting it fall limp by his side.

"I loved her.." He mumbled again his voice cracking before he turned and walked away his head hung low.

Oikawa sat there for hours and it started to rain but he felt numb. Nothing made sense. "Oikawa?" A feminine voice called and he looked up water running down his face and annoying droplets catching in his eye lashes.

"y/n?" He asked looking up only to see a confused heather. She sighed making her f/c umbrella cover the both of them. "No toru its me"'she said softly but he wasn't listening he was just focusing on how the umbrella reminded him of y/n

Heather managed to drag him home. But he barley even noticed as all the memories of him and n/n flooded his mind all he knew was that he also loved y/n but it was too late.


Iwaziumi walked past his mother who gave him a sad smile " you should eat" she said pushing him a plate of food. He shook.his head "I'm not hungry" he walked down the hall to his room and closed the door gently before laying on his bed.

"y/n I miss you.."

years later ~

Iwaziumi ran into the hospital his hands shaking and his nerves were killing him. "are you Iwaziumi?" A nurse asked. She was short and had chin length auburn hair. He nodded frantically "yes thats me" she gave him a reassuring smile "room 123 " she said and he nodded darting off.

He burst into the room to see a black haired woman with tanned skin. She turned to him and gave him a tired smile "I got here as soon as I can" he panted and she gave him an airy laugh "I know Hajime, now come see her"

He walked over to see a little bundle in a white blanket with pink accents. "she's perfect" he said letting her grab his finger with her tiny hands as she laughed up at him.

"what should we name her?" His wife asked and he gave her a shy smile "y/n" she gave him a comforting look and gently kissed hid cheek "its perfect"

"hello little y/n"

The end~

And if your wondering what happened to Oikawa he was devastated over the loss but remained with Heather and he was never truly happy with her again. And...he might have cheated on her with someone that looked like y/n as a coping mechanism for the first year of losing her.

Anyways I hope you guys got the ending you wanted and enjoyed!

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