Chapter 18: Night at Violet's House

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Helena insisted we take the car further south to find her so called ex-girlfriend. Bishop. Emily fell asleep on one of the old couches. Violet disappeared. It was just me and Helena in the kitchen looking around at the old dingy place.

Helena kicked at a broken chair piece. "I can't believe Violet is I wish she'd leave this place," she said then sat down across from me. "I tried to talk her out of it. Told her I'd get her to a more decent place."

"Why doesn't she leave?" I whispered.

"She won't tell me where her and her mom's body is," she continued. "I could look myself but whenever I use my powers to find a body, I feel it a little too much. It can be almost traumatic for me. One time I did it to find someone I cared about and lost my powers for months."

I plucked at something on the table. It rattled on the floor.

Helena poked my finger tips. "How about I clear up the living room for you." She looked at the ceiling and raised her hands. A ring on her finger began to glow.

Suddenly Violet came walking out of no where. Not floating this time, walking. Taking stretched out steps like she was walking over large items. It was a little terrifying to see. She was pale and a strange blue glow outlined her figure. She was upset and raise her hand.

Helena's ring stopped glowing. "What?" She called out and looked at Violet.

With anger in her eyes, she shook her head. "Don't move anything. Don't change anything," she hissed.

Helena and I both exchanged glances. Violet had never got upset like this before and for some reason she was more tense than ever.

She began floating again. "It's...dangerous." She whispered.

"Okay..." Helena nodded. "Sorry."

She disappeared in the air leaving a ghostly air behind her. I laid my head on the table. "This is fine."

Helena did the same.

Before my head hit the table, a small pillow appeared underneath it. I thanked her and drifted into a deep sleep.

I had dreams about my mother and Gabe. Both of them in the same room. A dark room looking at each other.

"Where are we?" The both of them said while facing one another.

"I don't know," they both said.

They faced me.

"She's coming." Gabe said to me.

"He's coming." My mother said.

Mr. Harmon appeared in my dream. He wore a suit and stood in front of a white mansion with Violet. "Get out of my house!"

I woke up to Helena flipping over things and cursing. "Fuck! She's gone!"

"She can't ever stay still," Violet said floating around Helena.

I wiped my mouth but got up a little too fast and got dizzy. "Emily's gone?" I asked.

"Yeah." She groaned.

We all knew what that meant. "She went to the ruins." It was the only place we could think of.

Helena and I ran outside but quickly stopped in our tracks when we found Emily sitting on the ground looking out into the distance. She didn't flinch or look behind her. She was as still as ever. Violet floated near me.

"Hey!" Helena cuffed her hands over her mouth to call out to her.

"Maybe we should leave her," Violet suggested.

"And let her lead Mr. Harmon to us?" Helena walked towards Emily. "Get up, we got to go. We don't want to be seen out here. It's the day time. We're all sober." She reached out towards Emily but Emily got up.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled then tripped to the ground. She kicked her heals at the dirt. "I'm so tired of this!"

"Emily don't yell." Violet said.

"What's the point of all this?!" Emily continued. She laid down in the dirt. "He's going to kill us all."

"Well we have to try," I walked over towards her and reached out my hand. She didn't take him.

"She's right, Emily," Helena said. "We can beat this. We just have to...go back to where it all began. We have a fight ahead of us and a game to play."

She finally got up and wiped herself off. "Fine, let's go find your girlfriend."

Helena sighed then walked back to Violet. "You going to be okay here? By yourself?"

Violet smiled. "I've been okay so far."

"You sure you don't want me to-" Helena started.

"No, you guys must go," she replied.

Helena nodded. "You can't hide forever. It didn't work out for me. It won't for you. You have to fight your fears, Violet."

Helena, Emily, and I got into the car and waved goodbye to Violet. I watched her fade away before my eyes.


Helena's ring glowed the whole time she drove the car. Said she was using her powers to find the place we were looking for.

Helena and Emily were up front. I laid down in the backseat of the car. I was so beat and sore from sleeping at the table.

"So, how long and your gf been together?" Emily asked Bishop.

"We're not together anymore, and I don't know. It was a long time ago. And if you don't mind, I try not to think about it." She mumbled the last sentence.

"No pressure, I think it's only fair we know what we're in for," Emily peered in the backseat. Her tired face interrupting my attempted nap. "right girl?"

"Yeah, I guess." I said.

"Is she evil? Should we be afraid of her?" Emily continued.

Helena began gripping the wheel tighter. "No." She said through gritted teeth.

"Why so angry, we're just asking-"

"Look Emily, I get it. You have questions. It happened so long ago. Many long, and painful years ago. If there's anything you need to know it's that she saved me when I was abandoned and didn't know what was going on. And in the end...she saved me. She's a good person." There was a pause. "A great person...and she'll help us."

I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. I kept thinking how any moment our car was going to get hit by something. Mr. Harmon. Mickiyah. Something. I missed Gabe. I missed my mother. I even missed my stupid little school. There was no going back. There was no normal life for me anymore. As much as I wanted to pretend this didn't happen, run away, and start a new life...I couldn't. There was no going back.


If you want to know more about BISHOP Helena's "Ex-gf" You can read Helena and the Rings. I am currently working on it actively!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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