Chapter 13

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The things i do for yall.


Von felt like mabye he was loosing his mind durk and t Roy were still technically together but durk was still always so touchy with von simply because he didn't know. Vons mom rarely came around anymore and all he could think about was that fucking fan that tried to kill him yesterday.

Immediately he had a thought that it was people from the other side of town or mabye just people who didn't like him but then it dawned on him that he's harboring an alien away from the government.

He wanted to talk to durk about it or maybe even herb but he couldn't trust that they wouldn't freak out. They had already had to deal with so much just with the fact that durk almost died simply because he didn't want to admit the way he felt.

Von was still kind of pissed he lost his chance with him because he wants to be a little homophobe to himself but not anyone else. So instead he decided why not talk to kentrell about it he already knew about it so instead of involving anyone else he just decided it would be better to go to him.

Kentrell was really more focused on the blunt in his hand though "so what's been going on?" He asked

Von sighed looking over at him once again "yesterday this van started following me and i assumed that mabye it was the opps of some shit but they didn't try to shoot me or anything it was like they were trying to follow me and find out where I live." He said

Kentrell exhaled slightly "nigga they finna kidnap you and interrogate you" he said nonchalantly

Von started laughing an almost unamused laugh "bro wtf how you get that out of what I just said" he said

Kentrell rolled his eyes "i swear you keep forgetting you have a Alien in your house that your just parading around like he's some normal guy and really he's not" he added

Von shrugged "well i mean yeah but if they wanted him they would have taken him by now right" he said

Trell shrugged "do I look like I know? I'm done with all that super natural shit I don't even like learning about it anymore. I'm just saying man you met the experiment and now you know to much there not just gonna let you go" he said

Von hadn't thought about that.

"So what should I do? It's not like I can just give him back" he added his tone going hard

Kentrell shook his head " you can't. That wouldn't be fair to him. But what you need to do is get him back on a ship or whatever and back home before both of you get hurt. You Mainly" he said passing the blunt.

Von took it from him bringing it to his lips, he knew trell was right but he also didn't want to admit it. He didn't want durk to have to leave but he wasn't safe here.

He had to figure this out.


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