Chapter 10

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Wanda pov

After prawn and after we got the moonstone back, things have been pretty good. I now stay with the pack at the den instead of my home in Seabrook. Mom and dad are okay with it and I can still visit whenever I want. I even got appointed beta, so now Wyatt and I are both the betas of the pack. And things have been even better between Willa and I. We've been dating for a few months now. We don't care who knows or who doesn't and we're not really that big on too much PDA either. I mean, I'm okay with it depending on who we're around, but Willa, not so much.

Willa, Wyatt and I were walking around Seabrook high as the cheer team and the football team were practicing for their huge game tonight. Everyone is so excited and hyped because the football team has never gotten this far in anything. As we are walking, I look up to see another meteor flash in the sky. Ever since we got the moonstone back the meteor showers have been more common, which makes no sense at all. As soon as the meteor passes our moonstone glows red. Which has never happened before.

"Our moonstones are acting weird," Willa tells the two of us, "Something big is happening." As she says this, another meteor passes by.

"Something big is happening," Wyatt says, "Biggest football game in the universe." Wyatt says, turning around to hold up a Seabrook flag.

"Just the biggest in Seabrook," Will responds. Wyatt rolls his eyes at his sister's comment. A girl comes up to the three of us and tries to put face paint on me without asking. I back away in shock as Willa bares her fangs at the poor girl.

"Don't touch her," she growls.

"Hey, hey," I say, holding her back, "It's okay."

"Come on," Wyatt urges, "You know how important a win is for all us monsters. Seabrook, needs you. Cheerwolf."

"You want a fierce werewolf leader to rally a football team?" Willa questions him.

"Come on," Wyatt repeats, waving his flag.

"Gotta admit," I say, "You should do it."

She sighs before saying, "You both owe me."

"No we don't," I reply, "This is going to be fun."

Later on that night Wyatt and I arrive to where everyone is, to send off the football team for their game. Willa told us she would meet us there, and to both of our surprise, we see her already there standing on top of the Seabrook bus rallying up the people there.

"When you're from Seabrook, you are Seabrook!" she yells before howling, "Let's tear those Eastside Eels apart! Nobody messes with our pack! Yeah!"

"What did you do to my girlfriend?" I ask Wyatt.

"I don't know," he says, "She really went all out for this. I never thought I'd see the day."

"Neither did I." All of a sudden we hear band music playing and the two of us look over to the banner, but instead of the football team running out, it's Bucky. Of course it is. When is it ever not Bucky. Soon after though the football team runs through cheering and yelling. With Wynter walking slowly behind them. Zed sees this and quickly rushes over to her.

"Hey, hey. You are going to kill it out there tonight, okay?" he says hyping her up, "Those Eels think that they can keep you caged up. They think that they can keep you on a leash! But you are not a cuddly puppy. You are a fierce beast of the forest!" With that the two of them howl.

"This shrimp be cray!" Wynter yells. 

"So cray! Go Wynter!" Zed encourages. With that she runs towrads the bus and accidentally rams her head into the side of the bus denting it.

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