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This day was completely different cause we had actual encounters with angels. Or something like that. I didn't even stay here for all that. If I want to see an angel then... oh yeah. Never mind. I just stayed behind for this one cause the man we were supposed to kill wanted to commit suicide in the first place.

Our client's reason for wanting to kill him made no fucking sense. But as long as they were getting paid is all that mattered. So me and Loona just hung out at the building for the day. Took a while cause they were trying to convince this man to just lull himself. When turns out that a piano just fell on him cause the angels were being clumsy and reckless. So they were kicked out of heaven for some reason. I don't think God works like that at all. I've read the Bible many times and nowhere in it is how those angels acted.

But in the mean time we just had a few laughs, talked. Pranked called a few people too. I stole that pop star's number and I prank called her twice using different phone numbers. They couldn't track us which was better for us. Told her some real dark humor jokes and she laughed so hard.  Made me feel good. Yeah there's not much to this story cause the old man just wanted to be with his partner and continue their creations in hell. Still confused but didn't worry bout it cause it was none of my business.

I'm not bout to convince a man to kill himself. I'm still human. Not a monster. I only kill those who are guilty of any major sins like murder or anything sexual. Men and women. Sucks to be me sometimes cause it's way too risky to be doing this kinda work with close friends around. I could loose control and hurt the people I deeply care about. These people took me under their wing and I really appreciate them for that. But if I loose control around them it won't be a good day for any of us. This power almost scares me to have it. Buts it's cool too. Cause I'm not living by man's laws anymore. I finally know my purpose. This is very risky especially for her.

But when those angels saw me they froze in fear

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But when those angels saw me they froze in fear.

second Chances-loona X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now