chapter 09

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Days later, I found myself staying late at the office. I could've left hours ago, but I wasn't thrilled to see Jace again, which was weird considering coming home and seeing him had once been something I longed for every day.

Nowadays, it turned into my last priority after he had walked out on me without showing a hint of remorse.

Whether it was late at night or the middle of the day, I often found myself repeating how he had dismissed me and left the house as fast as he entered it.

The more I thought about it, the more I understood I wasn't going to be able to change him. I just had to figure out how I was going to survive a lifetime with Jace in it, which wasn't what I had hoped for when I said I do.

Harry's offer came to mind bright and clear. I knew whatever Harry had planned out could make the future with Jace bearable. Still, I never wanted to be that type of woman.

Personally, I thought it was preposterous to agree to adultery, to be actively involved in it. No one wants to be labeled as a cheater, and I'd be labeled as such if I went along with Harry's plan. My actions, in my eyes, wouldn't be justified at all.

And yet a part of me secretly understood Harry's point of view, even though it didn't align with my own.

We were both tied to somebody making it improbable to run away from them and start over. Harry's plan could give us a way out of the mess we were trapped in. We could breathe again. Feel alive again.

But thinking about it going wrong, people finding out, and the news traveling around town, petrified me. Don't even get me started on how my parents would feel if they found out I had an affair because I would be a disappointment to the family.

So I stayed here, hidden in my office, preparing for tomorrow. I had enough contracts and emails to go through before my short break would officially begin.

Knowing I couldn't keep myself occupied with work for eternity was exasperating. Thanksgiving was approaching, so we were bound to leave tomorrow afternoon so we would be there in the evening.

Thinking about spending time with Jace and not having a way out, made me sick to the stomach. I didn't want to be trapped in a house with somebody I detested for five days straight. That in combination with my family being around twenty-four-seven, I already knew this trip would drain me.

There was no way out. Jace had already promised my parents we would be there, and I knew I couldn't cancel. My parents would try to do everything in their power to get me there.

I never hated these kinds of family get-togethers because I had Jace to vent to whenever it was getting too much, now I didn't have Jace anymore. I had to put on a happy face and survive.

"I didn't expect you to be here this late." I heard Zoe say behind me. She had unexpectedly shown up at my office.

I looked away from the papers that were shattered on my desk, preparations for tomorrow. "Don't worry, I'm rounding off." I said.

"You know," Zoe started, coming closer. "You were right about bringing that intern in during the Dreambox meeting."

"I told you, you could trust me." I reminded her of our conversation.

"Yeah, you did." she nodded her head as she confirmed. "I didn't agree because I was worried it would go wrong, but I should've trusted you."

"You were looking out for this company, for me, and yourself. I would have done the same thing if I had been in your shoes, Zoe." I told her truthfully. "So why aren't you home yet?"

"I started working on Kirsten Jones' new website, but she keeps commenting on the smallest things, and then I have to work on the adjustments. This woman doesn't know what she wants, which is incredibly frustrating when you know the website is finished and looking amazing." she let out.

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