Chapter 2: The truth and pain within..

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{We parked, and waited Kraven arrival, not only did he want to meet, but He has brought Lily with Him, I felt bad for the girl, I bitten to deep, and she lost a lot, as we wait, we see His car arrive...}

{Lucian Pov}

*As Raze hops out and Kraven enters, the backseat and he looked at me, seemingly annoyed*

Kraven: Engaging Death Dealers, in public, and chasing after some Human?, Not only that but evolve Lillian into this?!!, was not what I had in mind, you were told!, you were told!, to set up shop, and lay low...*I grab him by the throat*

Lucian: Calm yourself, Kraven...*I snarled* The Human, and Lillian doesn't concern you, now, and besides I've laid low, quite long enough...*I let go of his throat and sat back*

Kraven: At least lay low Lucian, for the time begin, and don't force me to regret our arrangement..*He tells me*

Lucian: You just concentrate on your part, remember I bled for you once already, without me, you'd have nothing, you'd be nothing...*He huffs and leaves as Raze comes over with Lillian in his arms, and placed her in the back with Me, I take hold of her, and got her head laying on my lap, Raze shut the door and got in the front driver seat and let's Kraven vehicle drive off first, I stroke the poor girl hair* "Oh Dear, Lily I shouldn't have taken to much..." Hand me the sedative...*Raze hands me the injection sedative, I take it* This should stop the change for a little, and give you some needed rest...*I stroke her face, as Raze began to drive, I injected her with the Sedative, and she sleep soundly, her change is gonna be painful*


*We now arrived and I carried her in, everyone was in a bite dismay, She was a kind, caring girl, she visited once, everyone seemed calmer with her, she's truly special, I carry her into a decent room, in the hideout and laid her down on the sofa, and then after taking a sample of her blood, and injected into my arm, I sat on the chair, as I wait for them to bring in Micheal, I might as well, help her with her change*

{Lily Pov}

*I groaned, groggily and began to stir, I opened my eyes and noticed I am not, at the Mansion, rather L-Lucian hideout, I gasped and look around and I saw him, through my blurred vision, I know his silhouette from a mile away, I shaked scared of him*

Lucian: Shhh, Shhh...I won't harm you, I know what I did, was terrible, but if I wasn't notified that your we're to be the second Candidate, and the descendent of Cornelius Iron-Blood..I wouldn't have done what I did...*He tells Me, I calm down a bit* Your blood holds something special, Lily, as does Micheal blood, it shows a bonding of both species of Vampire and Lycan's...*I nodded understanding a bit, I groaned as I felt weird* You on the other hand, are part of a better hybrid bloodine, you show more wolf-like details, and your vampire form is a lot stronger then normal ones, and you can shift between them, and be better in control of yourself them most others ..*I felt Weird I whimpered and grunted* enough of that for now, your changing....*I groaned as my body shifted and changed, I cried out and yelled out as it happens, my noises began to sound like animal grunts and whimpers*

*The change was painful, I was on the floor and let out soft growls, and look at Lucian, He smiled*

Lucian: *He grabs a mirror, and shows Me, my new lycan form* Absolutely beautiful...definitely more wolf like...*I looked at myself, and I must say I look amazing, I would be lying if I said I didn't want this to happen, I growled softly*

*I looked at myself, and I must say I look amazing, I would be lying if I said I didn't want this to happen, I growled softly*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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