Chapter 18

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Griff's eyes widened. He glanced around the room he was in. Clearing my throat, I lowered my head and repeated loudly, "I saw Mark."

A shadow passed over Griff's face. He slid his hand over his left cheek, then his right, before letting out an awkward laugh. "How did that go?" He folded both of his hands in front of him as he smiled. "Did you guys talk about old times?"

I lifted just my eyes, glaring at him. "Don't fuck with me."

Griff looked up above his camera before lifting it. He carried it out of the room and into another. There was less light in it. I struggled to see his face until he stood beside a window. As if he knew, he opened the blinds, allowing the street to brighten the room. "What do you want to know, Gio?" he asked.

I thought it was obvious. "Everything," I said.

"Be specific." Griff lifted his brows.

Just like him to beat around the bush. I didn't have time for his games. Leaning back, I rubbed my hands together and growled. I needed him to know the seriousness of my situation. "My daughter doesn't have a mother anymore."

His jaw dropped.

"Yeah, so," I clapped my hands together before opening them wide, "I saw Mark, my ex is dead, and I found out some things."

Griff slid his hand over his face before rubbing his chin. He couldn't look at his camera because that meant he had to look at me. And looking at me meant dealing with his mistakes, right? "So when were you going to tell me, hm?" I asked. "Was it some big secret? Mark had agreed to the same contract as me, or was it after?" I opened my hands at arm's length. "Expand. And explain."

"It wasn't, I mean—" Griff moved over to a different spot in the room—a metal chair. I saw the corners behind him. With a heavy sigh, he looked back at that camera.

"So, why didn't you tell me my best friend was experimented on just like I was?" I asked.

"Because Gio," he closed his eyes, "you didn't ask."

My brows lifted. Was it that easy? I could've just asked, huh? "How was I supposed to know if—"

"Gio," Griff cut me off, "you never ask the right questions. You sort of wait," he waved his free hand around, "and expect answers."

Well, shit. I laughed. This wasn't the first time in one day someone told me this. That was a flaw I'd work on.

"But since you're asking, I supposed I shall tell you, hm?" Griff repositioned his camera in front of him/He folded one leg over the other, then relaxed his hands on his knees. "Paxton had sent out ads for assistance with building the perfect crime. The pay was massive; the criminal activity was intimidating. The job had been up for weeks before someone called the number."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Let me guess; that person was Mark."

Griff nodded. "In exchange for immunity, he would set up the perfect crime, Gio. Mark was the mastermind."

So, it had been Mark all along, not Tommy. I chased and killed the wrong man. "So, the robbery was fake?" I licked my lip and snorted through my nose. Was that why the police let them go with the money we'd stolen?

Griff clicked his teeth. "No, it was very real. We placed the proper pieces to ensure a desired result."

Desired result. Interesting. "Okay." I looked over at Kimi. She stood beside me, listening to everything. With her hand over her mouth, she tried to hide her expression. But she couldn't. I saw it clear as day. Surprised. Confused.

Griff my full attention. "So, when I was a kid, I was right, that's what you're telling me? I was framed," I said.

"Yes, yes," Griff brushed off what I said as if it wasn't important, "Mark helped us do it all. He picked the bank. We selected the police department who would fabricate evidence. All parties were paid for their time and participation. All of this was to create," he pointed at the camera, "you."

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