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The heaviness of the box in your hands made you grit your teeth. You wish you hadn't put so many items in just one box. Eliza and Gael easily passed you, clearly not having the same difficulty that you were having at the moment. When noticing you lagging behind, Gael turned toward you curiously. Seeing that your legs were starting to wobble, he couldn't hold back a teasing smile.

"Do you need me to take that for you?" He said, slowing down to match your pace.

"No, don't worry I got this." You said, strain evident in your voice. Gael bit his lip to hide his smile at your stubbornness.

"Alright, if you say so." He replied, watching you carefully from the corner of his eye. Even though he could've walked ahead, he stayed by your side, monitoring you in case it got too heavy for you. You internally giggled, He's such a momma bear.

It was finally, finally time for you to be able to move in with Eliza. You packed everything the night before and bid adieu to that dreadful apartment. What happened with Rory still laid heavy on your mind. You didn't bring it up with Gael. You felt hesitant to do so. They seemed to be close friends and accusing him of being the masked murderer might be too much for Gael.

You were also conflicted on him being the murderer. On one hand, he knew your floor number. But on the other hand, Gael could've told him for some reason that eludes you. You were at a crossroads. You decided to just trust your gut and stay clear of Rory at all times and luckily, you haven't seen him since. At least you had a main suspect now in your own personal case since the police have been doing jackshit for you.

Eliza held the door for both of you guys, already placing the box she was carrying down into your new room. Your new room was significantly bigger than your now old apartment's bedroom. The benefits of having a rich best friend, I guess. Eliza guaranteed you that when you're in her house, the masked murderer won't be able to get anyway near you. Numerous locks and security measures were secured around the place, leaving it difficult for even her to get in sometimes.

You placed the box down in the middle of the room with a grunt. Gael placed the last box down beside you. The room was filled with all of your boxes, the last thing to do was to unbox them and get situated. Gael and Eliza had been a help ever since this morning, assisting you with bringing and driving the boxes over.

"That's all the boxes," Eliza said, a smile perched on her lips. "I'm excited to have a roomie- or rather, housemate again. We haven't roomed since.. our first year in college."

You laughed, "You act as if that was a long time ago. It was only a couple of months ago, Ya'know."

She smiled, walking over and throwing her arms around you. "I know, but it just feels like forever ago." She turned her head toward Gael with a mischievous expression splayed on her face, "You should've seen (Y/n) in her freshman year." She cackled in your ear. "It sure was somethin'."

You grimaced, "We don't need to get into those days."

She evilly smirked at you, "Nah, I feel like we should. It is only right that Gael knows what he is getting himself into."


You watched Gael's eyes spark up with interest as he developed a grin that matched Eliza's. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall behind him, "Oh, really now? Tell me more."

You chuckled nervously at both of them, peeling Eliza off of you. "Guys, how about-"

Eliza quickly cut you off, "I still remember that time when you had the genius idea of taking a shortcut down a muddy mountain instead of just taking the stairs." You launched at her to try to cover her mouth, but she expertly moved away. "Long story short, She slipped and fell, sliding down the entire mountain and getting up looking like she just shat her pants."

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