doves in the wind

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get you - daniel caesar

spirit wished for a big elaborate wedding.
she wanted the most intimate intimacy that you can have.

white doves, white flowers, white decor, green vines.

she wanted to dance at the reception to want you around by snoh aalegra.

she wanted to walk to isle to hold me by janine.

she prayed for peaceful love, and she prayed for transperacy.
— she reserved herself for love like the undocumented.

sometimes she lost herself in lust, finding herself fantasizing over a man who she is not destined to be with.

she let desperation cloud her judgement.

she promised to never let it happen again.

spirit was the epitome of englightend, she did not want to settle. — she was ready for a new era.

she wanted to be introduce to raw intimacy without sex, and true love without judgement.

looking at judah, she found peace when with him, even through the women trying to approach her. — she knew her role, and her intuition did not fail her.

she didn't care what he had going on before, as long as he didn't let her down now.

spirit had waken up way before judah, now just watching him after she did her morning routines.

she scanned his face, she wondered if she was what he wanted as well.

spirit was a bad bitch, no doubt, but sometimes she doubted what she had going on.

although she never let a man alter the way she sees herself, that didn't mean she didn't question herself.

she looked at the 2 women trying to come to her as a woman, they had nothing in common.

"wake up." she spoke, now curious.

his deep voice made a rumble, before he turned to the other side, his arm moving from her side, to covering his eyes.

"judah." she said, poking his shoulder.


"why you got me here?" she spoke, not caring if he was still half unconscious. gotta catch em at the right time, no time to think.

"huh?" he said, turning his body back towards her, squinting his eyes open.

"why you got me here right now." she said, looking at him with a straight faced.

"we chillin" he said, opening his eyes fully.


he sat up, looking at spirit before standing up and walking to the bathroom.

spirit sat, on the bed, she was gone ask questions this morning. — she didn't know where they stood. and she didn't like the middle ground.

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