Chapter 77

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As he spoke, the black-robed man reached out to his storage space item. After suffering the great change, he had almost nothing left on his body, only some spiritual herbs and medicines.

Meng Qi also reached out for her own storage space to take out the medicinal ingredients she prepared beforehand. "Huh?" Meng Qi suddenly froze. She raised her eyes and looked at the black-robed man: "None of the medicinal ingredients can be taken out." She asked: "What about you?"

"Me too." The black-robed man stood with his hands down.

"I used an ointment just now." Meng Qi muttered. "Strange."

She then tried to take out the ointment that she used for external injuries: "This one is okay." Meng Qi took the small box and carefully looked at it again before taking out a few more bottles.

"I see." She finally said. "It seems that we cannot use medicinal ingredients brought from outside, and also any rare materials and treasures. Magic tools and weapons also seem to be so, but I can still use my medical knife and cauldron." Meng Qi looked around and glanced towards the distance: "It seems that we can only try to find medicinal ingredients here." She put everything back to her storage space, leaving only the medical knife in her hand. In addition, she also took out the Yinyue sword method that Xue Chengxuan previously gave to her.

After she got this Yinyue sword method, Meng Qi just glanced at it casually. But now, she didn't know how long she would be trapped in this place, and there was also a dangerous guy whose attitude was uncertain and might turn his face on her at any given moment.

No matter how insignificant, she must add another point to her self-protection.

"Which direction to go?" The black-robed man asked coldly.

"East." Meng Qi discerned the direction and said confidently. The area surrounding them was barren and withered everywhere, but it wasn't necessarily so inside the whole barrier. East was the direction of the wood element, and woods grew life. If this place became like this because of an array, their best chance was undoubtedly to go to the east.

The two walked side by side towards the east direction.

Meng Qi was holding the Yinyue sword method with her hand hanging down. Various sword tactics and moves flashed through her mind. They weren't too complicated and were quite practical, suitable for a long-term user of a medical knife.

Xue Chengxuan said the same thing when he first gave this sword technique to her.

Meng Qi's mind slightly stirred, and she then took out the blood moon that Xue Chengxuan had given her before she was thrown here. This thing was not hindered by the barrier's restriction, and Meng Qi could take it out. The blood-red jade lay on her palm, emitting a soft red light.

The black-robed man glanced at her palm, and his eyes flashed slightly: "This is a good thing."

This barrier had many restrictions. They tried it just now, and even flying magic weapons couldn't be used, so they could only rely on their feet to walk towards the east.

The black-robed man was probably also bored. He said casually, "This thing is an ancient jade swallowed by a monster beast and was nourished in its body for a long time until taking form, sometimes up to tens of thousands of years." He continued: "If the beast that swallowing the ancient jade is a spiritual one, after more than ten thousand years, the jade will become a spiritual item that can dispel all kinds of poison. Yours is at least a thousand years old. Let me see it."

As he spoke, the man rudely took the blood moon from Meng Qi's hand. He played with the jade for a while, and then threw it back to her: "Barely able to dispel some common poisons. For you who are just slightly stronger than ordinary people, this thing is still a bit useful."

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