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Percy looked up at her uncle, and nodded, "sure, we can talk."

"How have you been?" Bruce asked.

"Distracted, mainly. Why?" Percy asked.

"Jason said you wake up screaming sometimes?" Bruce asked.

"His room is next to mine, so he hears me, unfortunately," Percy said.

"That's true. But you know you can talk to me, right?" Bruce asked.

"I will, eventually," Percy said, her expression closing off.

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked.

"It means I don't want to tell you right now, nor am I ready too," Percy said.

"Okay, Percy. But I'm here when you're ready," Bruce said.

"Good night, Bruce," Percy said.

Bruce looked at her for a second, then sighed, "alright. Good night, Percy."

Bruce turned to walk out the door, and just before he shut the door, he paused, "I love you, Percy. And I've missed all of you so much," Bruce said.

"You left us, Bruce. I know you have your reasons, but you still abandoned your remaining family, and made a new one without us," Percy said. Her glare and words made Bruce flinch.

"You're right. Hopefully, you'll let me make it up to you," Bruce said, then he left, not wanting to hear her reply.

Percy slumped, then went back to planning.

It was around 11, when Percy felt everyone leave the manor, and Alfred wasn't in the manor either. He was probably in the bat cave, waiting to heal the bunch when they got back.

She went out on her back porch and gave a whistle.

Not even five minutes later, Blackjack landed on her balcony.

"I thought you went back to camp," Percy asked him.

"I stuck around, figured you might need me, boss," Blackjack said.

"As long as no one saw you," Percy said, as she hopped on his back.

"Nope. Now, where to?" Blackjack asked.

"We're going to follow my cousins around. They're going to run into something Greek related," Percy said.

"Alrighty, boss. Let's protect your mortals," Blackjack said, as he took off.

"This may take a while, Blackjack. So don't burn yourself out," Percy said.

"Got it, boss," Blackjack said.

Luckily, nothing happened that night. Which was good, all there was was a few Greek monsters that Percy dealt with, then she got back home, just as she saw the bat mobile head back in a similar direction of the mansion.

Percy showered and went to bed. She sensed when everyone came back up from the cave they went to, and made their way to their own rooms.

Percy fell asleep, shortly after. Followed by a dream....

Percy followed the bat mobile to the warehouse. She watched as her uncle got out, dressed as a giant bat, and ran into the warehouse.

She saw him get knocked out by the clown guy, who's eyes flashed a yellowish orange color, just before he was unconscious.

Percy got off Blackjack, "go get Will and Nico, bring them to the mansion."

The Pegasus nodded, and quickly flew off.

Uncle BruceWhere stories live. Discover now