Chapter 74

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Viktor turned his head to the source of the noise, frowning. But there were no humans in the area. The voice sounded distorted, somehow, crackling and faint. And slightly panicked. He looked left and right, but he still couldn't find anyone. Only aliens and booths.

"Did you hear that?" Viktor asked Vok'Rul, tugging on the alien's clothing to get his attention. He twisted in his arms to look over his shoulder, but the sound didn't happen again. 

"Hear what?" Vok'Rul asked in concern, peering at Viktor. "You are not ill and hearing things, are you?" 

Viktor rolled his eyes with a huff, chewing on his lower lip. "No," he said after a few seconds. "I guess it was nothing." Still, he couldn't shake the feeling of uncanny dread pooling in his stomach. What had that been about? 

"Oh, my lord, look at that! A portrait stall," Thruul said from Vok'Rul's shoulder. Viktor reluctantly settled back into Vok'Rul's arms, trying to put that voice out of his head. He turned his attention to where Thruul was pointing. "Didn't you say you wanted to get a portrait done of your mammal before you got Kohgrash?"

Vok'Rul rumbled, "I did say that, yes. I am surprised you remembered. Nonetheless, that was before I got Kohgrash." 

"Well, what's wrong with portraits? Aren't those just big fancy paintings of people?" Viktor asked curiously, latching onto the subject with both hands. He didn't want to think about that call. 

"The Vokkrus who specialize in such portraits, as the one you see there," Vok'Rul gestured to the stall. It wasn't as extravagant as the one Korrashkka had set up, but it was certainly a step up from the regular stalls mostly seen in the festival today. It was much larger, taking up enough space for three normal stalls. It was colorful and bright, catching everyone's attention. "They get rather physical with their subjects." 

"Physical?" Viktor repeated warily. 

"Nothing bad," Vok'Rul reassured him quickly, arms tightening. "They like to arrange their subjects in certain poses. Of course, since animals cannot understand our language, it can be tricky to get them to stay, especially if the positions are uncomfortable." Vok'Rul paused for a second. What he said seemed to catch up with him, because he hastily corrected himself. "Well, you aren't just an animal, my little Kohgrash, and you'd have an easier time than most." 

Viktor squinted up at Vok'Rul. He stared longingly at the stall. Viktor never pictured him much for art, considering his walls were mostly barren at home. Though, he did have a cute picture on his bedside table with Rukka, Kac, and Nohkka. And he knew that the alien was pretty sentimental. 

He looked back at the stall. The line of aliens for the booth wasn't long; there were only about six or so and they seemed to be sectioned off in groups. The artist, whom Viktor could only see the top of their head right now, was deep, reddish pink in color. He wondered if they were a famous artist. 

"Do you know them?" he asked the alien when he made a noise of happy surprise. Vok'Rul let out a little, amused huff. 

"Know them? Of course, I do. She comes to many of my banquets throughout the years. Rukka and Kac commissioned her to get a portrait done when Nohkka was freshly hatched." Vok'Rul let out a wistful sigh as he reminisced, "She was quite the tiny one back then. I will have to show it to you one day." 

Viktor wondered what the portrait looked like, or even what Rukka and Kac's house looked like. He was more than a little curious about their home and a lot more nervous about stepping into Nohkka's territory. Who knew what diabolical stuff she had in there? Clothing and toys to force on an unwilling Viktor. 

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