Chapter 19

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"That's the last one!" Collin jumped out of his seat with so much exuberance that the black cushioned chair he'd been sitting on fell behind him.

"Does that mean we can finally go get those Sourdough Jacks that you promised me hours ago?" Tom asked, scooting back from the table.

"I'm hungry, too," Heather said, standing. "But I need to get changed if we're going to a party."

Collin looked at her. She was wearing jeans and a pale pink t-shirt. "You look great. Besides, it's not that type of party."

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked.

Tom laughed. "Yeah, Collin. What does that mean?"

Collin held out his hands. "It means jeans and a t-shirt are basically the dress code." He shrugged and then leaned over to pick up the chair he had knocked over.

"Well, I want to change my top, at least. You guys can walk up with me." She straightened out the stacks of envelopes and then headed out the door of the back office. "You coming?" she asked, looking over her shoulder.

They followed obediently.

She led them down the hall and through the double-doors that led to the outside staircase. They'd been inside a windowless office for so long, working under fluorescents, that Collin didn't even register that the sun had set until they were outside in the purple haze of late evening.

Heather climbed to the second story and walked down the open-air corridor towards the side of the building where Collin knew the laundry room was located. A few doors down, she stopped and pulled out a key card.

"I need a smoke," Tom announced, stopping under the glow of an overhead lamp. In one smooth motion, he pulled out his pack, hit it against his palm, and took the raised cigarette between his lips. "Can I smoke on the balcony?" he asked, the flame from his zippo already dancing in the slight breeze.

"Sure, I guess," Heather answered. "I'll be right back." Then she disappeared into her room, leaving Collin wreathed in Tom's smoke.

"So..." Tom exhaled, leaning back against the half-height wall, but stopped when the neighboring door opened. 

Veronica and Monica walked out, dressed casually in jeans and t-shirts with minimal make-up.

"We thought you kidnapped her," Veronica said, her voice high and dramatic.

"Not really," Monica added, flipping her dark hair. "You don't seem like the kidnapping type."

"Hel-lo Ladies." Tom stood up straight. "Care for a smoke?"

"Mind if I die?" Veronica retorted.

Tom shrugged one shoulder and leaned back, taking another drag.

Collin knew that wasn't how the billboard went, but he chuckled at the comeback anyway, and then addressed the kidnapping accusation. "We've been down in the hotel office for the past four or so hours."

"Likely story." Veronica rolled her eyes as she pulled out her own key card and pushed into the slot on the door. It turned green and beeped.

"Actually, that sounds pretty likely," Monica echoed as she followed her friend through the door.

Collin and Tom exchanged a look.

"Dude," Tom whispered, his cigarette butt hovering in front of his mouth, "imagine if I had challenged you to nab a date with one of those two." He let out a low whistle and then took a drag.

"About that," Collin said right as the door swung back open, revealing Heather, still in jeans, but in a patterned flowy shirt over a white camisole. "Shit," the word escaped his mouth as he exhaled. "You look really..."

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