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"Antonio you've gotten so big!" Sue clung tight, happy tears spilling free from her eyes as she took in the boy that looked so much like his father when he was younger, "I was so worried that you would never return, but I'm glad you did." If she would've known that he was back, she wouldn't have fixed up something nice in the kitchen for him to eat. She missed having him around, the joy he brought around was unmatched, and she was even a little let down when she realized that Seth wouldn't have such a nice brother figure to look up to like Jacob did.

"Yeah Auntie Sue, I'm back for now." He didn't want to confirm that he would be staying longer than he agreed with Charlie. It would be a shame for him to say that he was permanently staying, but because of food situations they had to move, "I missed you and Uncle Harry very much." He had also missed Leah, but the girl was probably still bitter that he left to begin with. She could hold a grudge if she wanted to and if it was lowly scary just how long.

"Good, I bet if you surprise Leah she'll somewhat forgive you." She grinned, he looked single, and she would wholeheartedly accept the idea of them dating. It was a win, win situation of both parties considering Leah would get over Sam, and Sue could really claim Antonio as her son.

"I hope so." It made him cringe just remembering the little five year old that clung onto him in tears as his father helped pack his clothes up into a bag. He hadn't planned on leaving, but the arguing was getting too much, and the need to run away from everything was far too strong to stay while his parents destroyed themselves. It also was hard to leave considering his mother was pregnant with his only other sibling which he honestly didn't want to miss.

"I hope my departure didn't hurt her too much." She had merely called him some choice words that had a few of the adults stumbling to figure out where she learned them, and beat upon his legs in an attempt to knock some type of sense into him.

"She managed to come to terms with it after a while, but she was mostly mad that you've never called." She was also upset over that, but then again he only recently got back in contact with Charlie a year or two ago. She wasn't going to push for anything that might be out of his comfort zone, but she was going to try and establish a better relationship with him so that she could keep contact when he leaves again.

"I'm sorry about that. I really wanted to forget the problems that were going on back at home, so I ignored everyone so that I wouldn't hear the chaos that was going on." He was scared to hear the outcomes of his parents' relationship despite already knowing that it was going to crash and burn. He tried protecting himself from the truth, but in reality he just ended up missing a lot of his childhood with people who he really loved.

"No need to explain." Sue pressed closer to him, the sound of the teen boys by the beach being pushed to the side as she wrapped her arms tighter around his body, "I understand, there's no need to explain to me or anybody else why you agreed to move in with your grandparents. By the looks of it they've taken real good care of you, and have even set your future up." She wished that they had done something with Bella, but she understood that they probably didn't even know she existed since Renee had supposedly cut them off.

"Okay." He hoped all his past relationships here thought the same way that she did. He kinda failed in the department of being a good brother to both Jacob and Bella in a way. He failed even more with Leah since she obviously was old enough to voice out her opinion about his decision.

"Now go inside the house, and greet your Uncle Harry," She moved back just enough to brush off some imaginary sand off his shoulder, "his heart has been acting up so go easy on him okay. Leah hasn't been feeling the best, and I hope you being here would give her the strength to get out of bed." She hoped that he would give her much more than the strength to get out the bed, but a woman can dream.

"Okay Auntie. If dad gets back with Billy, let him know that I'm up with Leah." He was excited for that also. In reality it would take a little while considering Charlie had insisted that he take Kyrie with him, and with Billy's love for children, and Jacob's curiosity it was going to take a while before they got here since Charlie just loved to brag about his children. well grandchild at this point. He hoped his Auntie and Uncle wouldn't be too shocked about the baby girl.

He didn't bother acknowledging the teen males that played volleyball down by the beach. They didn't seem to like trouble being on their land, and he could respect that. He wouldn't bring any trouble for them as long as he didn't receive any of it back, it was a pain dealing with the Children of the Moon and even though they were very much different, he still didn't want to get his hands dirty in a place that was suppose to be considered a vacation for them. 


Planned on making this longer, but got distracted for a while and couldn't remember how I was going to write this out so I gave up and separated it into two chapters.

What month you were born in?
I'm a June baby😻

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