[8] J A W A D

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They require my attention in the court. The guard sent to call me gave a vague explanation of the case. I heard something about a girl and Zina. I'm not sure of what I heard.

They are a lot of people in the court. The carved wood and table arranged in u shape around the room. A part of the table and chairs reserved for the queens and princesses is veiled with transparent linen to avoid men gazes.

The space in the middle is where the judgment will be carried out. I see Zayd seated in one of the chairs in the middle with some kingdom elders. I sight a hidden spot close to the edge. I'll rather take that spot. No one will know I'm present.

The case hasn't started. Abi will have been the judge if he wasn't ill. Zayd is the next in line, so he takes up the responsibility. It has been long since any case was tabled in the royal court. The knowledgeable elders end most cases, but since this involves Zina and a palace member. It must be judged here.

All attentions turn to the entrance when the cry of a lady sounds. Her face is fully covered. Two guards are dragging her arms. They drop her on her knees in the middle of the room. She raises her head, but her face is still covered. I can only see her side view. She's holding the veil closely over her face like she doesn't want to be seen.

"What has she done?" Zayd's voice thunders around the room. A guard scurries to his front. He lowers his head.

"She's accused of committing Zina, she was caught and there are witnesses to the incident." The guard says. If she committed Zina, Where's the man? It takes two people to commit Zina. Why is she the only one here? Maybe the man's case is to be judged differently.

"Why did you commit Zina?" Zayd directs his question to the lady. She releases her hold on the veil she's wearing, but it covers the part of her face directed to me, so I can't still see her.

"I did not commit Zina." Her voice is sharp and unwavering. "I'm innocent, I'm being lied upon." Her voice seems familiar, and I'm interested in learning more about the case. One who's guilty won't sound... so sure.

"There are witnesses against you... how can you explain that?"

"I don't know how..." her voice quavers. "I don't know."

"Guards bring in the witness." Two of the guards go out of the entrance. They return with three women who walk in line towards the middle of the room.

"Say what you saw." Zayd commands.



"When," the three women start to speak at the same time.

"One at a time!" Zayd bangs his hand on the table. The woman in the middle, steps forward. She bows her head.

"My lord, I and my sisters..." she points at the two other women behind her. "We were on our way back from the market when we saw Amna. The window to her house was open. We saw her with a man, his face was covered-"

"That's a lie. You're lying, I don't know you." The lady stands from her kneeling position. That's when I see who she's, Amna-the maid with the blue eye. What is she doing here, and why is she accused of such a grievous sin? I scoot closer in my chair to pay more attention.

"Shut up and get on your knees." Zayd yells at Amna. She reluctantly gets back to her kneeling position. "Continue." He turns to the witness.

"We entered into the house, and she scrambled to put her clothes on. The man hid, we were unable to see him. We threatened to report to the palace, and she said we could do our worst. She said she'll continue and never stop." Amna shakes vigorously in her kneeling position. She's crying. I haven't known her for long, but she doesn't seem like someone who will do such. The story is not valid.

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