23. "I am on my way home, wait for me"

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"yes!" I mumble quietly

I finally got the information and I can't wait to be out of this hell hole

I was walking in te corridor in the shadows to avoid the cameras when I heard someone walk by

I quickly hide behind te door to escape their sight

"did you drug him properly?" man 1 asks

"yes, I don't know where the boss brought it from but it is too strong, he won't be able to open his eyes till a week and it would take him a whole two week to recover on his own to be able to stand properly" man 2 said

Who is he? Is he the one I met yesterday? I think I should take him with me when I escape this hellhole, I think

Wait what? When the hell did I start to care for strangers? This must be an illusion

Yes, just an illusion

I am escaping tonight

I had made up a perfect plan to escape a long time ago but it needs some modifications as there will be two people now

Wait what? Not again!

I an escaping alone, no need to change the plan!!!!


"ok I know you are not useful right now but I need you to hold me tight as much as you can, we are getting out of this shithole" I whisper to him as I put him on my back and walk out of the cell we were in

Yeah tings did not go as plan and I took him


As soon as I am out of their gate I ear the alarm go on

That was late for them to know we were out but it was too fast for me as I need to escape with this handsome burden on my shoulder who is pretty well built and heavy

With so much difficulty I managed to get us both on the busy streets where we hid in plain sight and saw as the guards look fir us like fools

After an hour and a half, they gave up and left and I took the handsome hunk to my warehouse as I need to work some things out before I go home

As soon as I reach there Alex was the first to see me

"oh my god, what the hell did you do to yourself? , your dad told me what you did, you could have just asked for help, why the hell did you go there? You look terrible, come in let te medical staff look at you I will inform your family, who the hell is he? What is he doing with you?"

"shut up, I am fine, don't go to my family now, I have a plan and I need to stay in secret, he is I don't know, he is drugged so wont be up till a week or so, make sure he get's well and send him where ever he wants to be sent," I say as I drop him on the medical table and walk to my office sitting in front of my computer I lean back on my chair before I hiss in pain

My back hurts from all those whipping and carrying him

I should get it checked after I am done with my work

I put the pen drive I took from them and start to see and collect all the information required to take them down

After an hour I was done and I am perfect set to take them down any moment I wish

Time to go home

I smile

Home, something I missed a quite while

I took my phone which I stole back from their office and opened my contacts

I decided to call my dear Gelo

After a few rings e finally picked my call

"Berry you finally called, we were so worried, what happened? Where are you? Are you fine? Can you come back? Wat......" I cut him off

"don't worry. I am fine," I say "I am on my way home, wait for me" I say softly and hang up

I go down to see Alex packing up

"great you are down, I was about to come get you, let's go home, your family, Marie and Eva missed you a lot in this one week" he said

"ok let's go, I missed them too" I say as I get in te back seat of the car and Alex drives te car

I just sit in the back seat seeing out of the window, the busy roads, the big sky scrapers and streets so lively

Slowly it started to rain

It was only one drop at the window glass at first but soon turned to tree then hundred and so on

Now I look at the streets, they are empty, everyone ran inside some store to take shelter


Just a few moments, a few drops of water to make a lively street so empty

I keep on starting as I lose my conscious and fall asleep against the window 

Dangerously Innocent TwinsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora