Chapter 8

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There is only one person who would make an offer. So this was his plan.

"And what was it?" Both his wolf and lycan were braced to come forward, but it was not the time. Not yet. If Sir Lucas's blood is to be shed, it will have to be calculated.

"To keep my future pups and be his mate."

It was brilliant. His own claim would be surrendered on two fronts. Not only is the advisor's mark a higher rank, but he would be beyond reproach as her mate.

"And what do you think of this... opportunity? Do you want to be mated to him?" His chest was rattling as two kinds of growls were competing for airtime. Both animals clawing to get out.

"I think we both know the answer is no." Green eyes were tugging on him. "But that's not the real question."

If he wasn't so close to losing his current form, he would have picked up on the significance of this shift sooner. With so much adrenaline coursing through his system, it can be hard to think.

"What is the question that you are answering, Sophia?"

"If I want to be a mother or a breeder."

It felt good to feel his claws slicing through solid objects. The effect pulling extra energy from his body and sending it to furniture, drywall, and even a suit or two. A few things were tossed around where the shove didn't register even though the crash did.

But then the box went flying. The brass latch clanked as it flew end over end, acting like an alarm that drew his full attention. With horror, he watched it impact against the cool white tiles. But it held shut. Stayed closed off to the world even after this episode.

Curling his chest around the small wooden piece, he waited until teeth and nails resumed their more professional configuration.

His towel turned to rags and strewn across the floor. He composed his naked self and turned around, clutching the mahogany container. "And you can not get that from me."

"It would always be fleeting. Even when I had it, motherhood could easily be taken away from me. I was preparing for that to be my life when I realized I might be unable to."

The destruction surrounded her perfect body like a halo. He doesn't even remember reaching for the bed. Still, the expulsion of feathers from the duvet and foam from the mattress were undoubtedly caused by him just now. She sat in the center of a four-foot-wide haven, where everything within a foot was just as it had been five minutes prior.

"Might not be able to, what?"

"Lose you and our offspring."

It's apparent who is the stronger between them. She was facing the loss of everything she would have valued in life, including her identity as a parent, and was able to reasonably challenge him on this. He gets a hint that someone wants to offer her something better than what he has and destroys Peter's curated collection of fine clothing, furniture, duvet and mattress, walls, looks like some cracked tiles, and really hoping that water is from her discarded dress and not a busted water pipe.

How could she stay so calm and so still while he reigned down hell around her?

"We would never hurt her." Kasey's voice filled his head. "We would never let you hurt her."

"How did she know?"

"We told her wolf." Kasey and Amiri, now spent, pushed to the back and settled.

"How was the offer made to you?"

Features hardened, and suddenly she went stiff. Her lips pursed together, a sign that she didn't want to say. That of all the things she's gone through with him, this is significant enough to displease him. She is considering defying him.

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