Chapter 12: Stupid decisions

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"Teenage first kisses are as awkward as fuck."

"I'm tired Morton. I'm just tired. That's all." Oliver turns away, heading around the back of the van, opening the doors and climbing inside. 

Morton watches him go. He knew Oliver was hiding something. A feeling of insecurity washes over him. Was it him? Maybe Oliver had had enough of him already. He finally heads around the back of the van, to see Oliver putting away his toothbrush and bedding down under some blankets. "You must be tired." Morton chuckles. 

"I said I was." Oliver huffs. He sounded angry at Morton but he was only really cross with himself for letting his feelings fester. 

Morton sighs as he goes through his own bedtime routine before he lays on his back under his own sheets. He feels Oliver shift away from him slightly. "Is it me? Have I done something wrong?" 

"What?" Oliver lifts his head a little at the question.

"I mean, I know I can be annoying, I make stupid decisions without thinking them through…" 

"Morton stop." Oliver now shuffles around onto his other side to face him. "You are fine." 

"Then what is it? You have been acting strange since we entered that village." 

Oliver sighs. It was true that Littlebury had affected his state of mind a little. "I grew up in a place, just like Littlebury. You couldn't breathe, or stray from the norm. That guy, the one who helped us. That could have been me if I hadn't escaped." 

"Well thank God you did. Otherwise…"

"Otherwise what?" Oliver rests his head on an upturned palm. 

"We wouldn't have met." Morton smiles affectionately at Oliver. "And I wouldn't be able to make good decisions without my best friend beside me." 

"Good decisions huh?" Oliver snorts. 

"You mean to tell me you make bad choices? You sussed out Mr Rodriguez way before me." Morton reminds him. 

"Do you think I really got this van for £100?" Oliver smiles weakly. 

"Why? Didn't you?" Morton furrows his brow in confusion. 

"My sister lent me some money and I jacked off the mechanic." 

"Seriously?" Morton sits up on his elbows. Why the fuck..?"

"I promised you Morton. I promised you that we would go on this trip. I didn't want to let you down." Oliver tries to defend his actions. 

"Well maybe you are stupid." Morton concludes, laying back down. 

"Yes, I am stupid." Oliver laughs. 

"You could have asked me for the money."

"Morton, you have no money." 

"Things seemed to be much simpler when we were kids don't you think?" Morton sighs. "No money worries, dreaming of romances."

"Well that's debatable." Oliver raises an eyebrow. "I couldn't be myself until I came to the city. I didn't even experience my first kiss until I was 20." 

"Hey better late than never. Teenage first kisses are as awkward as fuck." Morton laughs. 

"So what was it like then?" Oliver rests on an upturned palm in the semi darkness of the camper." 

"What was what like?" Morton questions." Eyes trained on the interior roof of the vehicle as he lay on his back. 

"Your first kiss." Oliver prompts. 

"I don't know? It seems like a lifetime ago." Morton chuckles. "I remember thinking it was the best thing ever, I placed the guy on a pedestal but in reality, it was probably a mess." 

Oliver goes quiet, he bites lightly on his lip. "I… I think you're probably a good kisser." 

"Oh yeah?" Morton's eyes now look at his friend, hovering over him slightly. "How do you figure that one out?" 

"Well…" Oliver clears his throat. "You have nice lips. They look full." 

Morton subconsciously pouts them. "You think?" 

"Yes" Oliver chuckles lightly. "Especially when you do that."

Morton now plays on it, as he looks at Oliver. "Mmm mmm mmm" he says, pursing his lips, so much so,  that it felt like a natural reflex to Oliver, to lean in, just a fraction.

He gently places his lips upon Morton's. Soft and gentle. Morton pulls back, laughing nervously. "Wh…what was that?" 

"I…" Oliver begins. The next few words could either turn the moment into a mountain or a molehill. "I just wondered if you were a good kisser." Oliver smiles. The reply not giving away too much. Morton could take from it what he wanted. 

"You want to know if I'm a good kisser?" Morton repeats. He smiles with amusement. 

"Ah shut up." Oliver frowns, but Morton now picks up the gauntlet. He suddenly sits up, grabbing Oliver's wrists and pushes him onto his back, straddling his hips in the process. 

He looks down at Oliver's rather startled expression in the dim light. "Do you really want to see how good a kisser I am?" He asks once again. He sees Oliver swallow hard. His Adam's apple bobbing up and down. 

"Maybe." He mumbles, causing his friend to smirk. 

"What happens in the van, stays in the van right?" Morton utters as his head slowly lowers towards Oliver, they slowly get face to face as Morton's lips now hover over Oliver's. His eyes flutter closed as their lips make contact. 

Morton's hold around Oliver's wrists loosen as their fingers now lace together, lips tenderly caressing as their mouths open a fraction wider. Morton's tongue works its way into Oliver's mouth, wet and warm, with Oliver meeting him halfway. 

He finds his hands wanting to roam over Morton's body as the fingers unlace. Their bodies pressing closer, falling deeper into the moment, until Morton can feel an arousal building. He pulls away. "That…that's basically how…how I kiss." He says a little breathless, as he climbs off a rather bewildered Oliver. He feels for the campervan door. "I just need some air." 

Oliver sits up, seeing Morton disappear out of the door, he places the tips of his fingers to his lips. Reliving the past moment. "Damn." He mumbles against his fingers. 

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