Mission 4: Franky Attempts to Take Photos

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It was Yuri. It was Anya. It was Franky.

The people they cared for.

It wasn't just the touching she and Loid did, it was sharing stories about people they loved.

That opened up the feelings that led to intimacy.

"Tell me more about Yuri," he'd said that night.

And Yor thought that this was probably how Loid treated his patients at the hospital. He was quiet and understanding, but he knew how to get her to open up about herself, about the love she had for Yuri—and that somehow made things easier between them in this marriage.

Yor didn't tell Loid that the practices, the idea of her being able to touch him instinctively and without self-consciousness made her feel more confident in herself as a married woman, as his wife.

She could calmly accept those reassuring touches that no longer needed to be confined to her bedroom or timed. Recently, she felt as if she didn't worry about the awkwardness anymore between them. She no longer felt it. In fact, she wanted to do it and even felt blessed that he allowed her to do it, to touch him anytime she felt like doing it. It even looked like he was happy whenever she did it.

The way his eyes would widen first, then his smile would appear whenever she reached over and brush away the pieces of food he'd missed cleaning off on his apron when they were in the kitchen together. The way his hand patted hers when she'd bring his coffee into the living room and set it before him. The way he whispered his thanks whenever she adjusted the collar of his coat before they would step out of the house.

They were up to hugs now. That night, when he'd caught her before she'd fallen down the stairs, Yor realized that being held by a man wasn't too bad. She was almost grateful that Anya was so clumsy and had set this practice into motion.

She'd stood there in Loid's arms and felt so very protected, she didn't want to leave the safety of his embrace.

And because the feeling was so nice, Yor realized that maybe he wouldn't mind if she'd initiate those hugs, too.

That day she'd first tried it was a success.

She'd come home quietly, slipping unnoticed into the entranceway. She was nervous, but she took a moment to enjoy the fact that she could do this, that she had this family, and was sharing this home with two people who had become such a huge part of her life.

His coat, Anya's coat were hung up on the pegs in the entranceway, but they hadn't heard her because she didn't announce her arrival and they were deep into a serious conversation. She could hear Anya asking about a pistol and Loid answering about the number of bullets.

In the background, she could hear the television was on. Bondman was chasing some bad guys and Anya cheered him on. Yor knew Loid was in the kitchen getting dinner ready because she heard him opening up the cabinets.

There was a click, and Yor heard the silenced pause of the television before Anya's voice asked, "Popsy! Those spy ear things. How far can you hear?"

"Hmm? About 500 meters."

"Anya doesn't know meters."

"Oh, right. When you're at Eden, it's the same as running from one end of your cafeteria to the other."

"That's far. You can't hear beyond that?"

"Not really."

"Can you use it underwater?"

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