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"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Ah...Mr. Park, Stacy said you called me."

"Oh right. Yes, I did."

He said looking at her and just then his gaze landed on the baby who was sleeping peacefully.

"H-He fall asleep?! How?! Did you do that?!" He asked showing a shocked expression.

"Um...yes? Is that a problem? Am I in trouble?" She asked looking at him nervously.

"Why would you be in trouble?! In fact, I'm so grateful to you! Thank you very much!" He said shaking her hand in joy.

"I've been trying to make him fall asleep for the past 1 hour. But instead of sleeping, he was crying! And as I had to take care of him, I didn't get to finish my work," He said in frustration.

"You seem busy. You could've just asked me to take care of him. I've already finished my work and moreover, it's just for one day. But...Whose kid is he anyway?"

She asked confusingly as she has never seen this baby here before.

"He is my kid. His name is Ji-Woon. And it's not for 1 day but every day. From now on I've to take him to the office till I find a new nanny for him," He said crossing his arms.

"Oh- I didn't know you had a kid. Yes! You got married last year if I remember correctly," She replied, nodding.

"You've got that right. You also came to our wedding, right?" He asked.

"Yeah I did come but then something came up so I had to leave in the middle," She replied nodding.

"Yes, I remember that. She was looking for you."

"I know. Stacy told me. But why is Ji-Woon with you?" She asked.

"The nanny got fired today cause I noticed she wasn't taking care of Ji-woon very well. So for now I'm looking for a nanny."

"I see but what about his mother? Shouldn't he be with her? Or did she start working too? Speaking of her it's been long since I've last seen her. How's Mrs. Park?" She asked.

"I guess she is happy...up there," He sighed.

She is upstairs?

"You mean she is upstairs that's why you're taking care of Ji-woon?" She asked innocently.

"She's no more in between us."

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