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Chapter 347: Goodbye, Gu Yan – 2

Soon, all of them went up on the stage.

According to the rules, all three of them would be given a pot, as well as some simple medicinal herbs.

The process of making medicine involved extracting the essence of medicinal herbs and then fusing them.

It might sound simple on the surface, but in reality, it was a complicated process. There were plenty of steps involved, and the difficulty of extracting the essence varied from herb to herb.

For instance, extracting the essence of a normal herb only took about a few minutes, while a high-grade herb like the Thousand Spirit Grass would take at least a day, not to mention that there was a possibility the extraction would fail.

After the extraction process, the real game began. The druggist had to consider carefully which herbs to mix with the essence to maximize the effectiveness of the medicine. This was a crucial step, and no mistakes would be tolerated. Otherwise, there was a good chance that the medicine would turn into poison.

Right now, there were plenty of sophisticated devices in front of Fu Zhi and the other two participants. They were going to utilize these devices to prepare the medicine.

Since Fu Zhi had said that the herb she had brought was the Senzhi Herb, she had attracted a lot of attention from the crowd.

However, when they saw her casually grab a handful of herbs and dump them into the pot without weighing them first, they all convulsed with laughter.

After all, everyone knew that precision played an essential role in traditional Chinese medicine. Even the most experienced traditional Chinese medicine practitioner had to weigh each herb meticulously according to the prescription, so what about Fu Zhi?

First, she did not weigh her herbs, and second, the herbs she chose were also very common herbs provided by the Chu Family.

How was there any chance she could create a high-grade medicine that could treat a serious condition with low-grade herbs?

She was indeed ignorant!

That said, someone was kind enough to remind Fu Zhi of her mistake. “Fu Zhi, the test is about making medicine, not cooking. It won’t work if you don’t weigh and extract the essence of the herbs in advance. There is still some time left, so why don’t you start over?”

“Don’t worry. It will work.”

The kind-hearted disciple was stumped.

‘How are you going to make it work? With magic? Abrakadabra?’

The male participant beside Gu Yan noticed Fu Zhi’s situation. He frowned and said, “Without extracting the essence, the herbs won’t have any effect.”

Fu Zhi did not say anything. Then, her next stubborn approach was even more confusing.

Normally, one would extract the essence with the pumping technique. However, Fu Zhi just threw everything in the pot, started the fire, and boiled the ingredients.

Nobody had ever seen this kind of extraction technique before, and they thought she was just messing around.

Gu Yan took a glance at Fu Zhi and sneered, “If I were you, I’d stop wasting my time and energy. There’s no way you can extract the essence this way. You’re just bringing...”

Before she could finish speaking, a faint smell of Chinese medicine pervaded the air, and the smell kept getting stronger and stronger with each passing second.

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