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"What happens now?" Reanna peers up at the golden gates than at Theo.

"Someone lets us in," He rolls his shoulder back allowing his wings to rest against his back.

Bellator takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Bugs rush towards him and jump on his body, eager to eat his skin on his head and neck. He takes his weapon in his hand, it grows to form a scythe.

A smile forms on Reanna's lips as a cool breeze and the smell of water swims towards her. A giggle escapes her lips, Bellator glances at her with a tear in his eyes. He flicks it away with his skeleton finger.

Locks unlock with a clank that shakes the pathway. The dove splits in two as the gates creep forward.

"Do you know who will welcome us?" Reanna whispers to Theo.

Never taking her eyes off the blinding light that escapes the opening doors.

"Since we came her uninvited, I don't know who will come,"

Bellator's left arm shakes, grey flakes of his skin fall out of his sleeve.

A man saunters out with his head held high with a pair of wings resting behind his back. He stops and regards the souls ahead of him. Saring at them with cold eyes as the light behind him the dimmers down.

The angel had large silver wings that appeared metalic, as if the metal feather had been bolted onto each other. His black hair was cut short on either side, surrounding the short curls on top, giving him a military-like appearance. He wore a silver button up suit that contrasted his inky skin.

"An angel without her wings," The man looks at Theo. "A guardian angel," He steps aside and glances at Bellator. "And Death himself. What do I owe this pleasure?" He sharply desclares, glancing back at Reanna.


Reanna opens her mouth to talk but he cut her off.

"If you came here to get your wings, we don't have them," He looks up as his wings expand.

They streatch out 3 feet behind him, the metal shifts as lightly as feathers.

"We came to ger her memories," Bellator speaks up.

The angel lowers his heels onto the ground.

"I found her waundering inside the Forest of the lost," Theo continues.

"That is certainly interesting, Theo," He mutters to himself.

"What is the last thing you remember, Reanna Ericka?"

How does he know my name?

"Do I need to repeat myself?"

"Uh, no. Um," She glances at Theo than at Bellator, they give her a nod. Taking a deep breath, she continues, "The last thing I remember was my death, getting hit by a red ferrari and staring into the black sky as it sped away," She blinds her tears away. "Leaving me to die on the road,"

His wings fold into themselves but he never takes his eyes off her.

"Interesting," He looks at Theo. "You said she was found in the forest of the lost?

"Yes, I did. Anzel,"

He knows his name? Do he know every angel?

"What else do you request during your time in Heaven, Reanna Ericka?"

"I want to find my sister and help my brother on Earth,"

"I am unable to aid you in finding your sister, or help your brother on earth. I can hower lead you to an angel that will help you recover your memories, Reanna Ericka."

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