Chapter 147 - What's Christmas? (First Half)

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This was when I was still a 3 year-old kid.

Ah, though I was only 8 years old right now!

Yes, I know I was still very much a kid right now!

And so, let's rewind back to 5 years ago.

On a narrow street, I thought all those couples holding hands should just break up.

In public, I thought all those couples who spoke lovey-dovey stuff to each other should just exploded.

On the train platform, I thought those couples who were reluctant to part as they gave each other a good-bye kiss should just hopped onto different trains and never met again.

With crazy eyes, I frantically whipped up the eggs white. *swish swish swish* In the quiet kitchen, only the sound of the whipping could be heard. Although it was only whipping of the eggs white, a tempest of curse were raging inside my heart. Die, reality.

" What for... "

My words echoed throughout the empty kitchen. Together with my rage, something was puzzling me as well. You guys whose age = to the number of years without another half... cough cough. My dearest partner-in-crime, I was pretty sure you were thinking of the same question as me. Yes.

...... Somehow, in this alternate world, christmas exist!!

" It's going to be christmas soon. "

As I was diligently studying about the nation politics, I got jerked back into reality by this 1 sentence.

" John-Sensei. What was that you said just now? "

" It's going to be christmas soon. "

I was speechless. The sound of that word simply rang of inauspiciousness.

" Can it be... that you said 'Christmas' just now? "

I asked haltingly. That's because I never wanted to hear that word. But John-Sensei answered without any hesitation.

" Yes I did. What's wrong? "

And he gave me a puzzled look. Ah, that was dangerous. I almost scream out loud. What's wrong? Everything's wrong! I mean, it's christmas you know! That christmas! If I was not wrong, that's the event that felt like hell, right?


Although it origin from the religion in Europe, leaving that aside, 'Christmas' as an event, to most Japanese, was a white bearded, dressed in red, pulling reindeer man as he flew all over the world delivering presents, 'Santa Claus'.

And thanks to that setting, it was also when parents would gift their children presents.

Sadly, I came to know all of these when I searched it up, as I did not received any presents when I was at that innocent age. But let's leave that aside.

Yes, on earth, 'Christmas' was an event where couples would ham it up.

Thinking back, it was when I was in grade 7. It was a warm day that reminded one of autumn when it was in fact, winter. The trees along the street were decorated with fairy lights and were twinkling away as the pure and innocent I looked along in wonder.

But on that day, I saw it.

Under the lighted trees, the figures of a boy and girl in my class, kissing. And that pure and cute me realized it for the 1st time. That I had a possibility of getting a girlfriend.

No, I meant, that we had reached the age where we started dating. And when I looked around, I saw couples littered everywhere. Even thought it was just a small school in a countryside. Usually, there would be no one at this hour.

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