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"Wasn't that so much fun?" Juri asked with a smile as she walked out of the bathroom, drying her hair.

"Yeah, it was! Counselor Gyu was the funniest. I'm glad we weren't going against him though." Sara said with a small giggle, as she laid under her blanket with a hand on her teddy bear.

"Beomgyu's always the favorite, I see." Juri playfully shook her head as she sat on her bed. "You said he was your favorite during the water race, and now you're saying he's the funniest during story night."

Lei's ears perked at the mention of Beomgyu's name, as she looked up from her book for a second.

"You're my second favorite Ms. Juri."

"Thank you for your lie Sara."

Sara giggled softly and looked at Lei with a small smirk.

"Counselor Gyu likes Ms. Lei." She suddenly said, making Lei look up from her book and Juri to freeze.

"Why do you think that?" Juri asked softly as she continued drying her hair.

Lei awkwardly pretended not to listen as she changed the page that she hadn't even read.

"I saw him bring her on his back, and he told her goodnight. Three days ago."

"But you say goodnight to anyone that is going to bed." Another girl, Lisa, said from her bed as she sat up in interest.

"Yeah, but my daddy also smiles at my mommy when he says goodnight to her. And Ms. Lei wasn't even awake. He looked at her like prince charming looked at sleeping beauty." Sara justified making Lisa nod her head.

Juri shook her head in amusement as she placed her towel on the hanger, before laying in her bed, turning off her own light.

Lei closed her book as she reached to turn off her own little light too.

"Ms. Lei?"

Lei froze as she looked over at Sara who smiled softly at her.


"Gyu said you're pretty."

Lei blinked as she tried to process the information coming from the six year old.

"Don't lie." Lisa said with a shake of her head.

"I'm not lying! I heard him."


"In the dining room with counselor Jun! Wait, was it Jun that said it?" Sara asked herself as she tilted her head.

Lei reached to turn off the light as she laid back on her bed.

I don't have time for that..

"I saw something too." Ji Ah, a girl the same age as Sara said from her bed, making everyone listen.

She was very shy and she barely talked, so whenever she did it was seen as something big.

"What did you see Ji Ah?" Lisa whispered softly.

"I saw counselor Gyu hugging Ms. Lei. When we played the water race."

Lei's eyes widened as she faced her window.

Juri froze again as she looked up at the ceiling.

"They were both laughing too."

"See, I told you! They like each other. Right Ms. Lei?" Sara said quickly as she sat up and looked through the darkness at Lei's bed.

Lei was shocked to hear this conversation being had while she was in the room, but then again they were little girls who probably have zero ideas about social ques.

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