Chapter 12: The Jig is Up

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Whoever said your life flashes before your eyes before you die—lied

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Whoever said your life flashes before your eyes before you die—lied. As bullets slammed into the truck and Cross tried ramming into the sedan next to them, all Rowena could think about was her Netflix subscription automatically charging her after she died.

That wasn't true.

She didn't have time to think about anything. All she could do was scream as a series of bells rang through the cabin of the truck. The touchscreen monitor showed an incoming call from Liam. Rowena pressed the button to answer the wireless call.

"We're up ahead but we're making a U-turn!" Liam's voice shouted.

"No! You have Abby in the car with you. Go back to Howler. I'll handle this!" Cross growled as another bullet dug its way into the side of the truck.

Abby cursed in the background and Rowena swore she heard the alpha's sister scream about not being a kid and something about being strong enough to fight.

"How many bullets does this douche-nozzle have?" Rowena cried. "C'mon Cross, slam into him!"

He rolled his eyes. "I can't slam into him without pushing him into oncoming traffic. That'll hurt innocent people." He tried passing the truck again, only to have the sedan ding his front bumper.

"He's not aiming to kill. He's trying to run us off the road," Cross said.

"Maybe they want to kidnap me again?" Rowena gasped.

"Is it Flint?" Matt asked.

"We can't tell. The window is rolled up completely and whoever this is, is wearing a face mask. Maybe we should just let them pass us?" Rowena asked. "But who else could it be? Flint is the only one who seemed to care about Casey's death."

Cross shook his head. "No. There must be two people in that vehicle. They could get a better shot at us if we pass them up."

"We could block traffic," Liam suggested.

"Abby." Cross said his sister's name as if the two-syllable word held a thousand reasons why that was a bad idea.

"We can keep her safe, Cross. We can't let them shoot you." Liam's voice was firm. "Alpha, let us help."

Rowena noticed a break in the oncoming traffic. "Cross, there aren't any cars coming. For the love of all that is covered in caramel and chocolate, please do something!"

His grey eyes snapped to hers before his nostrils flared and he jerked the wheel to one side. Rowena shrieked as the truck veered left, slamming into the sedan. Whoever was driving must not have been expecting the truck's sudden impact because the sedan slid into the next lane. Cross pressed on the gas, once again slamming into the sedan. It drove off the highway and into the wooded area lining the opposite lane. Cross slammed on the brakes and waited.

The doors to the sedan opened and two wolves bolted out and scurried into the woods.

The wail of sirens in the distance told Cross a concerned citizen called the police after watching the sedan shooting at his truck.

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