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I needed to head home and take a nap.

Of course, if Cara were home, she’d probably want me.

Pregnancy had made her insatiable. Not that I was complaining. Sober me liked fucking Cara even more than drunk me had.

I did wonder how long this was going to last. She was about nineteen weeks into her pregnancy, which meant we still had more than halfway to go.

I swiped my phone screen to a photo I’d taken of her a few weeks ago. She’d decided the baby had needed waffles, so I’d taken her to a diner. What my baby wanted, my baby got.

Was I getting soft?

"Hey!" my best friend said, lowering himself into a chair next to tge rink. "How’s Cara?"

"She’s fine, I guess. I still can’t keep up with what she will or won’t eat, since it seems to change on a daily basis. But at least she’s not puking all the time anymore."

I felt bad that this had been so hard on her. She tried to hide it from me, but I knew she felt like shit a lot. And no matter how many pregnancy books I read, or late-night food cravings I helped her indulge, there was only so much I could do for her.

All the orgasms had to help, though.

"I'm happy you guys were bought together by just a little baby. Makes me believe in fate." Jake grins like the fucker he is.

"Laugh all you want, I'm sure Ella would look nice pregnant. Who knows, could be sooner than later." I winked and shutted his mouth.

By the amount of cabinet slamming I could hear from the kitchen, Cara was in a mood. Why was anyone’s guess. Maybe she was annoyed with me for no reason. That was another solid possibility. Or had something happened while I was at practice that had pissed her off?

Then again, maybe she was just hungry. Or horny.

A smarter man would stay in his room. Wait it out until it was safe to emerge.

But I liked playing with fire.

Cara moved around the kitchen, opening cabinet doors and slamming them shut. Her white shirt and leggings showed the swell of her pregnant belly and it was weird how much I liked it. The way her body was changing was sexy in ways I never would have predicted.

A deep, primal urge stole over me. I’d felt protective of her since the moment she’d told me she was pregnant. But it was morphing into something else. Every time I looked at her, one word came to mind.


Did every guy feel this way about the mother of his child?

But I could fuck the fight out of her. That was definitely what she needed right now.

She opened the fridge, looked inside for about two seconds, then slammed it closed again.

"What are you so pissed about?" I asked, sauntering into the kitchen.

Her eyes flashed. "Not now, prince dickhead."

I casually leaned my hip against the counter. "I'm just asking. You’re the one down."

She gritted her teeth. "I hate your socks."

"No you don't."

"Yes, I really do."

I moved closer. "You love my socks because you love the way I annoy you."

"Shut up, Aidan."

"Is that all you've got? Shut up? Come on, princess, you can do better than that."

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