Chapter 20

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Severus woke up the next morning and didn't know how to feel. On one hand, he was happy that the problem was somewhat solved, but only in the sense of talking to Harry and understanding each other. He had to think of something to do about Draco. His godson had dared to hurt his ward under his nose! He would talk to the boy's father!

Severus got out of bed and took care of his morning duties. Then he walked to Harry's room to check on him. The boy was sleeping in a fetal position again. While he would let Harry do that if it made him feel better, he wished someday the boy would feel enough secured and comforted to let go of that position.

He quietly went downstairs to the floo and proceeded to call Lucius. He stuck his head in the floo and called for the man.


A few seconds later, he could hear feet walking quickly through the house.

"Yes, Severus? Is something wrong?"

"Something is definitely wrong, can I come through?"

"Yes." - the blonde man answered, confused since he had just picked up his son yesterday. Did something happen?

Severus went through the floo and dusted himself.

"I have found some problems, and your son was involved."

"What?" - Lucius got even more confused and worried. What had his son done? Furthermore, the boy had said everything was alright when he came home yesterday. He had lied!

"Well, I found out yesterday, after Draco had been sent home, that, even after being warned to behave, your son had been taunting Harry about not having parents or loving relatives. And the worst is that your son had been hurting Potter physically!!"

Lucius was so shocked and angry that he was speechless. Never in his life had he imagined that his son would use violence. There had never been any violence in his home and both he and Narcissa had been teaching him from a young age not to use violence unless he was in an emergency or danger. As far as he knew, Draco had never used violence on a child, whether he/she was younger or older.

"What did he do?"

"Well, he punched Harry in his stomach and pushed him down m the stairs. Harry had one bruise on his stomach, three on his arms, and a bump on his head"

Lucius was angry. He ran a hand down his face in frustration.

"I'll take care of the boy, and I believe you would be the one to give punishments?" - the man asked after minutes of calming down.

"Yes, call me later" - Severus said as he walked back to the floo. - "See you"

Severus came home and asked Toppy to start breakfast as he came upstairs to wake Harry. He knocked on the door a few times and came in. He didn't know why he felt he had to wake him up. At the start of the summer, he would just inform him about breakfast time and expect the boy to be there on time. He was worried he had gone soft!

He rubbed the boy's back gently as he woke him.

"Harry, come on, wake up. We have a long day today"

He didn't succeed the first time, but after a few tries, he did. As usual, he helped the boy with cleaning up when he needed it. After 10 minutes, both of them were found in the kitchen eating a full English breakfast.

"We are going to the toy store today" - Severus announced during breakfast.

Harry looked up with his fork halfway in his mouth and his eyes lit up. Despite that, he said:

"You don't need to do it. I'm used to not having toys"

That's why you need them even more desperately, Severus thought.

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