Arc 4.17

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On the third day of the completion of the wind power plant, the planting area was finally planned.

The storage space in Meng Zezhi's hands has a new purpose, filling soil.

A total of 3,000 acres of general-purpose warehouses have planned a total of 2,800 acres of planting areas. According to the plan of Meng Zezhi and others, 100 acres of land are used for planting fruit trees. One mu of land is used to grow vegetables, and two hundred acres are used to grow legumes such as rape, soybeans, and peanuts.

Five hundred acres of land is used to grow rice. By the way, see if you can raise some rice flower fish, rice field eels, and snails in the rice fields. The remaining land is all used to grow dryland crops such as wheat, potatoes, and corn.

Thanks to Xiaobai's blessing, the plant seeds that Meng Zezhi saved in his hands have exceeded three digits.

Once the planting area has been planned, it is time to fill it with soil.

Taking wheat as an example, the root system of wheat can be as deep as two meters in the soil layer, but fortunately, the main root system is distributed in the soil layer within 50 cm. That is to say, if you want to grow wheat, you must prepare at least 90 cm for it. Thick soil, let alone planting fruit trees.

Fortunately, most of the warehouses here are built quite high, and the lowest are eight meters.

Two thousand eight hundred acres of land, this is a big project.

There are many large trucks and excavators parked near the logistics center, but they do not store much gasoline and cannot withstand such consumption.

You must know that they are driving small electric donkeys and electric vehicles from the county.

If you rely solely on manpower to dig, the efficiency can probably refer to Yugong Yishan.

Meng Zezhi was extremely thankful that he still had a storage space to use.

For the first time, he felt that the two thousand points of merit were not injustice.

It's just that, it doesn't make Meng Zezhi suffer. He, who was already motion sick, ran back and forth between the planting area and Mongshan all day long.

—— Mount Mang is located in the south of the logistics center, only five kilometers away from the foreign trade warehouse. It is an excellent land acquisition site.

After running for a week, Meng Zezhi lost more than ten catties.

Qin Yaochen saw it in his eyes, distressed, but was helpless, and could only say: "Or, let's take a rest for two days!"

Meng Zezhi lay on him, closed his eyes, and his face was a little pale. He muttered, "Then rest for two days."

His hard work in the past few days has not been in vain, and nearly 800 mu of land has been leveled out in the planting area.

Xiaobai has not been idle these days, and has helped to give birth to a lot of seeds.

You can start farming.

He said that he would take a break and then he said hello to Huang Wu, and dragged Qin Yaochen into the bedroom for another day. Early in the morning of the third day, surrounded by everyone, Meng Zezhi walked towards the planting area.

When he arrived at the place, Meng Zezhi stepped on the stone steps onto the ridge. A group of people immediately surrounded the warehouse door and looked at Meng Zezhi intently.

In the last days, it is not only human beings who are polluted, but also land and water sources. Only two days after the eruption of the last days, the food in the ground was gone. Therefore, besides the scientific researchers in the large-scale survival base, the only people who can grow food at this time are the wood-type supernatural beings.

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