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His hands went deep under my shirt, long fingers roving over bare skin as they swirled and stroked up my back in a storm. His fingers pressed in, bruising and hard, groping everywhere they could reach until they tangled in the hooks of my bra under my shoulder blades. Something sharp scraped along my skin, but before I could even shiver at the sensation, the hooks snapped, severed. His tongue was still stroking my mouth and stealing my breath when his claws ripped through the back of my shirt in a frenzy.

"Sable, Sable—"

He swallowed me in another kiss, but slammed me back against the wall once more so he could shove my loosened shirt and bra up to my shoulders. They caught on the underside of my breasts and against my nipples on the way up, making me cry out into his mouth at the stinging sensation. He groaned again at the noise I made, and the hard heat pressed against my lower belly rammed into me once more.

This was happening. It had been only seconds since I said the words and I was already half-naked. Nothing was going to stop this now. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back against the wall after he tore my shirt and bra up over my head, mussing my hair, and bit back a heady moan when his lips latched onto the side of my neck below my ear.

Everything about him was heat. Everything about him was hard, big, rough, dominant. His mouth was all over me, dragging over my bare shoulder, nipping my chest, coming back up to devour my lips and tongue. His weight pressed hard against me whenever he came up to taste my moans, every part of him so much stronger, thicker, hotter. His knee came between my legs, forcing them apart effortlessly, and then he hiked it up hard between my thighs to send me jerking up the wall. He rubbed hard, stroking his thigh between mine with rough drags back and forth.

"Everything you want," he whispered, half-groaning with every movement. "Anything, Sable."

His voice was heat in my ears, pure fire and silk. I wanted it to wrap around me and squeeze until I had nothing left to give, make me writhe until I was exhausted and empty. I wanted what he promised, his words that sank into my thoughts and weighed me down like gold sinking and melting in a furnace.

Prince of Lust, Asmodeus. So this was what he could do, not only in my dreams but in real life. How much more could he wring out of me? How many more breathless noises, shaking moans, sounds that squeezed past gritted teeth?

"Don't hold back. I want to hear you. Give me everything, Sable."

His hands cupped my breasts that felt heavier than they ever had before. The swells rested in his palm, but he admired them only for a moment before squeezing hard, caging them with ruthless fingers that made me cry out again as heat and electricity surged through me at his merciless fondling. His thumbs dragged over my nipples again and again, back and forth, until he tormented them into sore, tight peaks. I pressed back into the wall to try to escape, but he only abused them more, pinching them between his fingers and rolling, twisting, pulling.

"Ah — wait!"

"No. No waiting. You're mine."

For a blessed second, relief poured through me when he released my breasts, but then he hooked his hands under my ass and pulled me up, forcing me to wrap my arms around his neck to steady myself. He lifted me completely off the ground and squeezed my thighs against either side of his waist, grinding me hard into the wall with his bare cock fighting against my loosening jeans. Then he swept out of the foyer and into the living room, where the lights flickered on and off as he passed them as if he were on the verge of shorting their circuitry. I clung to him as he almost charged to the large rug before the fireplace, where the flames crackled higher as he approached as if greeting its master.

Then, he dropped to the rug in a kneel, and I gasped when he grasped my waist and ground me down hard on his erect cock. My legs were folded at his side, resting on the plush rug as he thrust against me, but the position didn't satisfy him. A resonant growl tore out of his throat before he pushed me down to the rug back-first, raised my hips, and yanked my jeans the rest of the way off along with my panties. The warmth of the fireplace couldn't match his touch. His heated palms dragged down my calves, claiming every inch of me as he greedily mapped every inch of my newly bared skin like he had found a treasure trove of gold, gemstones, priceless artifacts.

I was now bare in front of him and laid out for the taking. He was just as naked, broad, darkly-tanned chest and shoulders heaving with hungry inhales. His red eyes flamed with such crimson heat that it sent lancing, burning sensations down my body with every roving look.

Then he leaned over me and fought his way between my trembling legs, which parted for him so he could press his cock to my entrance and tease the slit, pre-come already slicking against me.

"All mine," he growled. "No one will ever take you from me again."

Sinners' Kingdom #1: The Book of Lust (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now