twenty four

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The sound of the shower running woke me up the following morning. I reached over and noticed that Ria's side was cold. I was about to get up when she walked out of the shower, a towel wrapped around her and a plastic bag covering her cast.

"Buongiorno, amore mio."

"Good morning." She mumbled before walking into our wardrobe. I cautiously followed her.


She gave me a quick glance, a small smile, and then turned back to all of her clothes.

"Aria." I said, a little louder this time.

She turned towards me, tears welling in her eyes. I instantly picked her up and placed her on our bed, her face nestled in my chest.

"Amore mio, please, tell me why you're so upset."

"It's nothing, I'm fine."

"And I'm a pink elephant. Please, tell me what has you so sad." I tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Your parents. They're coming today, and I need to make a good impression because you know, they're your parents. What if they don't like me and they make me leave or you break up with me? I can't handle that. What if-"

I interrupted her rambling. "What if they love you and end up liking you more than me?"

She was silent after that.

"Aria baby, I am 100% sure that they are going to love you. I mean, how could someone not love you?"

"What if-"

I pressed my lips onto hers to prevent another rant. "Stop those crazy thoughts in that pretty little head of yours and go and get dressed. I'll go and make breakfast."

She nodded and hopped off of the mattress and into the wardrobe. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and walked downstairs to prepare breakfast.


20 minutes later, breakfast was ready and Aria walked into the kitchen, dressed in a gorgeous summer dress.

fucking hell.

even with her crutches and bruises and bandages, she is still the most gorgeous girl in the world.

I passed her a mug of coffee and she grabbed it with both hands before jumping up onto a kitchen island chair. I placed her breakfast down in front of her and she thanked me before eating.

Our peaceful moment was interrupted by the sound of multiple voices. Enzo walked in, followed by Nikolai and Theo.

"Hey, bug! You ready to meet the in-laws?" Enzo smiled as he sat down next to Aria.


"Yes. She is." I interjected before she could doubt herself any more than she already is.

"You have nothing to worry about, sis. They are lovely, despite being, you know, ex-mafia bosses." Theo smiled at her, ruffling her hair which resulted in complaints form Ria.

"yeah, um, haven't met them, sorry Ria."

"Don't you have an entire mafia to run, Ivanov?"

"Don't you, Romano?" Nikolai responded, raising an eyebrow.

"I still want to kill you, don't test me."

"No, you can't!" Aria practically yelled. "he's my friend."

"Okay, okay, fine, amore mio. I won't kill Niko." I frowned, kissing her head.

Aria tried to get off the chair, her plate in her hand.

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