18. Athena

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Driving to the Channing Manor was a relaxing drive filled with much thought over the decisions I had made throughout the last 48 hours. I was happy, and no one could change that. I was nervous though, about meeting Ophelia, this was like me practically meeting his mother, I had to make my first impression on her, and if she didn't like it then I was in trouble, but I also wasn't going to change for anyone, I wanted this, I needed this, I deserved this. I have spent way too much time wondering who my person is. Looking at the stars and wondering if he had seen the same ones, walking and wondering if his feet have walked the same ground, sitting in the car and wondering if he went on the same highway, listening to music and wondering if he has heard the same song. I didn't want to go on with that, that same game that just made me sad. I wanted to look at the stars with him, I wanted to walk with him, I wanted to drive with him, I wanted to listen to the music with him and dance around the kitchen with him. I didn't want to daydream about it any longer, I just wanted him. Was it a bad choice, considering who he is, what he does, and how dangerous he is, maybe, but I didn't care. This could be my biggest mistake in life, but when a bird gets locked in a cage and finally the lock breaks and the door swings open, the bird is going to fly, it isn't going to sit and ask for the cage to be locked up again, it wants to see the world. I wanted to see the world, but I wanted to do it with his hand in mine. "Ms. Annalise Channing, what have you done!?", I said as I ran to her and Melody standing at the front door of the manor waiting for me. I hugged them both tightly as she said, "I have done nothing! What would give you such an impression!?" I replied, "I don't know maybe the fact that a man put a dress in my exact size in your child's room, or the fact that I'm moving in with him today!? Ring a bell!?" She stood before me in shock as I cut up some fruit in the kitchen for Melody to eat. "It does ring a bell actually. Listen, all I did was tell him your size. As well as give him permission to come and bring the dress in, I also worked out the last few days so you could have off, I knew you would be with him, he asked if it was ok for you to be off of work and I only figured you were probably with him, it all makes sense. You should be thanking me, I'm practically a fairy godmother now. Ok, well I have to go, fashion work calls, I have a big meeting with a potential business partner, I'll be back in like 3 hours is that ok?" I hugged her saying, "3 hours is perfect, take your time. Thank you for everything. You have no idea, he is perfect, he treats me like I am actually a human being with an existence that actually matters. He makes me feel like the pain of my entire life up until this point is worth it. I think I really love him, like I found my person, the one you're supposed to sit next to on the giant roller coaster of life. I have you to thank, you got everything to work out perfectly, making all the surprises even more special to me." She answered, "Oh darling, anything for you. The amount of work and sacrifice you have put in for me and my family is immeasurable, you have become my heart, my family, and I love you. It was the least I could do after everything you have put up with here. I'm glad you chose him. He seems like a tough, evil person, like the devil himself, but on the inside he longs to love, to help, to care, and to feel wanted. He wants to love even though he thinks he doesn't deserve it. He has been through so much, I mean you should have seen him when he was at his worst moments, I really didn't think he would make it. Like he was on a train headed towards a wall at a million miles an hour. His mother and I were like best friends, then she died and I needed to do everything I could to help, primarily why we started doing business with him, in hopes that we could be of financial assistance after his dad walked out. He didn't even need it though, he built everything up by himself, like the pain of his mother dying was motivation for him to rise up and create something everyone would be scared of, he wanted power, and a name, a chance to be heard. We just kept him around like a son of our own, now he's helping us! Be careful with him, in ways he's made of glass, but the bad part is that his glass has been cracked so many times, and there are only so many times you can glue it back together and walk off good as new." I nodded, speechless, like I was paralyzed with nothing more to say. No words could ever express to her how much what she had just said meant to me, so no more words. I watched as she shut the door and I was left with the sweet child. I grabbed my phone and called him, "Hi lovey, is everything ok?" I blushed at the way he gently spoke to me, "Everything is fine. You, Channing's place, now. I love you." He chuckled, "Ok, sweetheart, I'm leaving right now, your place is empty, I just have to sign the papers and then all the money goes to you, I'm also putting like twenty thousand on your new card so don't always have to use mine, you can have your own, I'll refill it whenever you need." I said, "You don't have to! I can pay for what I need. It's truly ok! Now get over here, I miss you already." "Yes, you do, just do what I ask of you. I'm coming right now. I just got in the car." , he replied with a sense of somber authority. I put the phone down and got out some supplies I needed to bake, baking was always something my mother and I did together and it brought me true peace. Once everything I needed was laid out I checked on Melody as she sat in the high chair in front of me slowly chewing her fruit. I picked up the phone to call my Aunt and let her know everything, inform her about how my life has been changed so greatly in the best of ways. She had always been so supportive, so loving, so important to me, and though I didn't have much time before Lorenzo would be here, I thought I could at least take a moment to tell her what had happened in the last hours. I leaned over the kitchen island and heard the ringing, "Athena, my love, hi, it's been forever, how are you!?"I always found it interesting how her voice could instantly shut everything out and make me calm again, like if something was charging at me with a goal of killing me I could listen to her voice and be content with dying, like I would be safe just because she was there with me. "Hi, I miss you. I wanted to call, some crazy things have happened to me in the last hours, I thought I would call and tell you. I don't have much time but give me a few minutes to explain everything and I promise you will get the full scoop." She replied, "Ok honey, I'm all ears, go ahead, I miss that voice." I took a deep breath in and began talking, fidgeting with the wicker from the fruit basket sitting on the counter in front of me. "So I met a guy, I officially have a boyfriend, and I move in with him today. I know it's a lot to comprehend and seems like it has happened too fast and like maybe it isn't the best decision for me but I promise you, he's everything. You would love him. His name is Lorenzo, I met him in an art gallery. Melody and I were there because Annalise had no one to take care of her and had an emergency and though it was my day off I offered to take Melody with me. She ended up throwing her bottle at him and as intimidating as he had looked, towering over me when he turned around to find milk dripping down his suit he smiled, laughed about, and he was so kind. We talked for a while and I learned he is incredibly rich and does business with the Channings though their relationship goes much deeper than just business. He treats me like a princess, like a queen, like I am the only girl in the world, for once I feel like my existence is ok. We went to dinner on a beautiful rooftop coated in fog thousands of miles up, we slowly danced!! Then for our second date he took me on his yacht which has a crazy deep meaning towards his mother who also died, she killed herself. He had a trail of flowers leading to the rooftop of the yacht where he asked me to officially be his girlfriend. He took me to go see his dead mom, to show her who I was, I put flowers on her grave. I slept on the yacht and he put me in the bed carefully and covered me up. When I woke up he prepared everything for me and took me on a helicopter ride to see England from a height, the sun was rising, he was flying. Then today, he asked me if I wanted to move in with him and meet his "mother", her name is Ophelia and she isn't his real mother, but she raised him after his mom died and his dad left him. He is everything to me, he makes me feel like all the pain was worth it, you would love him. He is so handsome, like he was sculpted out of gold from heaven, he's religious, he's kind, he's a gentleman, he is so helpful and generous, always giving to others, he always wanted to be with me, I never have to beg for him to spend time with me, he just does it on his own like he really wants nothing but to be near me. I told him already, I think I truly love him, like love him, I've never loved anyone Auntie, ever, you know that, but I think I do.", I slowly wiped a tear from my eye, and sniffled. "And don't get me started on how emotional he gets me, years of holding in tears because I thought it was weak if I didn't and now I feel like it's ok, he makes me feel like crying is ok." She paused and let the room clear before saying, "Athena, I talked to him for 2 hours over the phone yesterday, and I couldn't agree more that you have found your prince charming and I'm happy for you. He passed the test! I don't know how it happened. He just called me and told me who he was before asking for my blessing and permission to ask you to be his girlfriend. I love you honey and I think as long as you're careful, especially with what he does for a living, you'll be more than happy with life." I said, "You talked to him!? I wonder how he managed to get your phone number because I didn't give it to him. True though, I am happy I really am, and I'm being careful while also chasing after my passion and what I think I deserve after so many tears and so many years of torture. I have to go, but I promise to see you in person and have you meet him, and I promise to text and call and bring you any updates that I can." "I love you too, I know you will make the right choice.", she said, hanging up the phone. I put the phone down and stayed in the same position staring at the wall before me wondering really how he got her phone number before I jumped in fear as he was standing there leaning against the wall staring back at me with a smirk. "How long have you been standing there!?!?'' I squealed, embarrassed at the fact that he may have just heard my entire conversation and watched me cry about him, I didn't hear the door open or anything! "Hi babe, I missed you too!", he laughed as he greeted me with a deep kiss and slowly put his hands down my back towards my thighs. Pulling me in for a hug before kissing my neck. "I'm serious! How long were you standing there! And you talked to my aunt!!" He replied, "I heard almost everything, don't cry for me love, there is no need for tears like that. I did some research, got some people to get it for me, it was only right to make sure your family was involved, I wanted to make sure I had permission and a blessing from people you care about so you didn't have to walk on eggshells with us. I think she likes me, I mean who wouldn't, my charisma just brings people to their knees.", he said flirtatiously smirking and leaning in with his lips cartoonishly puckered. "I thank you for that, no one has ever wanted me enough or cared about me enough to go and ask my own mother for her blessing. I love you for that. By the way, the charisma is lacking.", I said, turning towards the cabinets to get more ingredients for what I was going to bake. He replied, growling, "Oh, is that so!? Now where are you going? Trying to escape after such a comment. You let me know if it's really lacking." He lifted me onto the beautiful white, contemporary styled counter tops and began kissing my neck, sending shivers down my spin, like I was on fire and someone had just continued to pour gasoline on me. He continued kissing my arms, down to my thighs and making eye contact with me each time he planted a kiss on my skin. Moving down my legs, I began laughing at the light tickling sensation his lips gave me. Shaking at how much attention and touch I was getting from him. I never knew what that feeling was like, no one ever did things like this to me. "Ok, stop! You win! You're tickling me!" After hesitation, he finally stopped saying, "That's what I thought Ms. Carter. Soooo, whatcha doing?" I replied, "Waiting a while so I can put her down for a nap and then I figured I would get some music on, bake, and leave it for Annalise when she gets back, maybe go back to our place!? Wanna join me?" He nodded, slowly grabbing me and kissing my neck again, whispering, "Absolutely I do, go see our place, a bath perhaps? After Ophelia leaves, I give you the grand tour, and then a bath!?" I nodded excitingly, waking up just a few days ago I would've never imagined my day going this way. It was too good to be true right? Or maybe I owed it to myself to just take this moment and enjoy how lucky I am to have it, and accept that it is my reality. He walked slowly to Melody, picking her out of her high chair and carrying her to the floor to ceiling windows in the kitchen lightly, and gracefully saying, "Hi pretty girl! Aww come here. Look outside, see that right there is a bird, and that is grass, and look there's a little baby squirrel. Do you see it!!" Melody began clapping and laughing, as he excitingly showed her the little wildlife the Channings inhabited in their yard. "And if you look over there you can see a beautiful angel. This is your example, follow her, she will teach you what it means to be a true woman, something made of true beauty. Isn't she pretty!? Come let's go play.", taking his finger away from pointing at me as he was talking to Melody he brought her to the open living room and placed her on the carpet filled with toys, he took off his suit jacket and laid on the floor gently playing with her, making plane noises, pretending to be a monster, and asking her questions even though she couldn't exactly answer them. He picked her up and gently cradled her over to me in the kitchen, placing her on the counter and gently fixing one of her pigtails that was falling out completely. The way he could handle children, the way he became pure and innocent when he was with one, the way he took care of her, the way he loved her, and the way she looked so attached to him made this man ten times more attractive. He continued rocking her before she fell asleep in his arms, the moment was so perfect and tender. I started for a moment at how gently he smiled looking into her sleeping eyes. How he treated her like she was his own child. I grabbed Lorenzo's hand and slowly guided him to Melody's room so she could nap before Annalise got home. "Please, you think I don't know my way to get to this room.", he whispered, clearly reminiscing about the beautiful dress he had surprised me with. I smirked as he laid her down in the crib. I shut the door after turning on the monitor and Lorenzo and I headed downstairs to the kitchen. Now that he was here, I really didn't want to bake anymore, I just wanted to be snuggled up on a couch with him, watching our favorite movies, no work, just relaxation. So I didn't, I put back the minimal tools I had taken out including a bag of flour that had part of its contents spilled on the counter top, floor, and my butt which had a giant flour hand-print on it from Lorenzo playing around. Just as my mind had drifted thinking we would have to find something to occupy ourselves with because I had no clue when Annalise would be back home she arrived. I couldn't have gotten us out of that house any quicker. After greeting her, allowing her to make small talk with Lorenzo, giving her the update on Melody, and saying a quick goodbye, we walked out of the house and got into the car, rushing home to be with each other in our new sacred place. Walking in was like heaven. His house was a contemporary styled house, a big boxy design, floor to ceiling windows, neutral colors, yet it fit in so many parts of nature and color and beauty. The gate was big, black, and its metal was engulfed in ivy. The driveway was long, gravel, and had a kind willow tree, my favorite, hanging over it. Walking in had taken so long to feel real, and for the rest of our time here, I don't think I will be able to believe that it is real. I honestly do not know what it will take for me to finally admit to myself that this is my reality, and maybe it was because of how quick all of this happened, how quickly these decisions were made and how quickly my life had just changed, not that I was complaining, maybe I didn't want to accept reality, maybe I wanted to stay on cloud 9 forever. My things, the things that once sat in my small England apartment fit so perfectly in this place. Such a grand place, holding my small things. Already, I felt love, a sense of home, I felt like everything was fitting into place and that this was a space I could feel ok in. He gave me a tour of everything as we still had time before Ophelia had arrived. The backyard went on for miles, freshly cut grass with a perfect view of the water, another willow tree sitting in the back right corner, one that looked perfect enough to read under on a beautiful sunny day. Everything was perfect, the living room had its own home, opening up to it were glass sliding doors revealing a beautiful champagne colored couch, lots of blankets, pillows, and a giant tv with small trinkets I had once placed on the mantle of my apartment sitting on the stand. My favorite part was the master bedroom and bathroom. Lorenzo had offered for me to stay in the guest room if I didn't quite feel comfortable yet with sleeping in the same bed, but we had already experienced the same thing on the yacht and he was my boyfriend, and I loved him, and I trusted him, and I was ok with it if he was. So ultimately, we had decided to just stick to the same bed. The bedroom walls were black, but not a dark, scary, sad black, a beautiful almost gray black that spoke volumes. There were two large closets, the size of my old bedroom sitting on either side of the room equipped with vanities, a mirror, and a shoe display. The bed was placed at the center, encased in an entire glass box giving a view of nature outside. It was lifted on a small set of maybe 5 to 6 steps, levitating off the ground almost like a loft. It was beautiful, soft, huge, comforting, like a place I would be more than happy falling asleep in each night. With his arm around me, staring at the stars through the glass, hearing rain, and feeling our heartbeats talk back to one another, as if they were having their own conversation, letting each other know just how happy they felt. There it was, peaked in the small corner of the room, my cello. Sitting on a large, matte black stand, shining like it never had before. A tempting chair sitting beside it and a music stand complete with some of my favorite movements. He wanted to hear me play, after all he decided where everything in this house went, and he had put my cello in our bedroom, as if he had expected me to play for him each morning to wake him up, and each night to help him drift off to sleep. If I had achieved this type of happiness, I was willing to do that. I wanted to stay, engulf myself, and him in the light, airy, soft, sheets and just stay there for the rest of my life. That was far-fetched though, it couldn't happen, especially not when a woman who made me feel so honored and curious to meet her was knocking at our door, Ophelia. 

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