Priority #3

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Louis has left, recognising that Ellie has done enough talking for today. I stay with her, I don't have any other patients that I need to be with at the moment so Ellie is getting all my attention. She is still in my arms as her cries slowly quieten before stopping. Eventually, she pulls out of the embrace and looks up at me with red, puffy eyes. I look to her, waiting for her to say something. "What am I going to do?" she whispers. I sigh, rubbing her back, "what do you want to do?" I ask softly. Ellie shrugs, "I want to have a family" she says, looking away. I nod, "you'll find one sunshine, I promise" I say. Ellie shakes her head, "I don't want to go through the system Mikey. I have friends who are in it... I won't survive that" she says anxiously. "I'm not gonna let you go into the system Ellie" I say confidently, planting a gentle kiss on top of her head. She looks up to me, surprised, "what do you mean?" she asks. I shrug, "you're too precious to be lost in the system" I say. Ellie tries to fight the smile tugging at her lips as she pieces things together, "how... how are you gonna keep me out of it?" she asks. I smile, "well, (although it isn't really protocall) we were thinking it could be better to get you out of hospital and into HITH, maybe with Crystal, Luke, Ash, Cal and I?" I suggest. Ellie stops fighting the smile, "is... uh, do you... can you... would you actually want to?" she stammers. I let out a large smile, nodding to her, "we had a chat about it a few days ago" I say.

Ellie smiles widely, "is that allowed?" she asks. I smile, "they tell us not to get to attached to patients because we're gonna have to let them go eventually, but there isn't any legal issues with us wanting to foster you" I say. Ellie smiles, nodding as she leans into me. I smile, wrapping my arms around her.

After a few minutes, Crystal enters the room with Ellie's IVAB and she smiles at us as she sees us, still hugging. Ellie looks up to my wife, sending her a smile. Crystal looks to me, "what have I missed?" she asks. I smile, "Ellie's up for coming home with us when she's ready" I say softly. A smile spreads over my wife's face and tears brim her eyes, "do you really want to come live with us sunshine?" she asks. Ellie nods slowly, "if you'll have me" she says quietly. I sigh, "I know there's not a lot in this world that you can trust sweetie, but you can trust that we love you. We really love you. We want you in our lives" I say, knowing that her mind will be trying to protect her from any possibility of loss or pain. She smiles to me, "thanks Mikey" she whispers.

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