Chapter Five.

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She waited patiently for days for her one true love who betrayed her to come back, but he never did, a part of her wished he would but the other wished she would never have to see him again.

She sat nervously in the waiting room for her name to be called for her ultrasound, she envied all the couples around her as they all looked so excited but even if Ivan was with her now it wouldn't be the same, not knowing what she does now.

"Elizabeth Rhodes?" She heard her maiden name being called as she looked up at the nurse in the doorway with a warm smile, she bent down to grab her bag when a hand beat her to it, she looked up into the eyes that once captivated her and made her fall in love over and over again. Her breath hitched as he stood up straight.
"It's Elizabeth James" He said sternly to the nurse who looked over the notes again before letting them both into the room.
Eliza was practically frozen, she was struggling to process what was happening until she was on the bed with the monitor over her stomach, every thought and feeling she had towards her mate went away. All that mattered right now way the tiny baby on the screen with a strong heartbeat and waving hands, she felt the tears build up as she held the side of her belly. Ivan sat beside of her feeling overwhelmed, his mate was carrying his heir, his rejected mate.
"Have you had a fall in the past few weeks or been hit at all?" The lady looked at Eliza who automatically panicked.
"Erm, y-yes, I tripped up a few weeks ago and fell on my stomach, why? Is there an issue?"
The lady looked at Ivan and frowned.
"See this patch here?" She asked pointing to the screen. "It's dried blood, you had an internal bleed but luckily it hasn't effected the baby, next time something like that happens you need to come back straight away so we can check you over"

'Fuck, I threw her on the floor' He thought to himself as he run his hand over his face and walked out as Eliza spoke with the sonographer, she turned to look at him and frowned, she never excepted him to come here and it took everything in her not to act surprised he was.

She was soon outside in the hallway looking at the scan pictures in her hands with a small smile on her face. She's glad what Ivan did to her didn't cause too much damage but was also disappointed in him knowing full well she was human and baby or no baby, he could cause a lot of damage to her without realising it.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth" His voice made her jump as he appeared next to her. "I didn't know" His voice barely a whisper.

"It's doesn't change anything" She said slightly annoyed. "If I wasn't pregnant you wouldn't have regretted it" She went to walk past him when he pulled her back.
"You're wrong, I've been thinking about it all and you non stop since you left, I didn't realise how much I really loved you till I lost you" His eyes bore into hers just trying to find a small sign she still felt the same way.

"I'm sorry Alpha, but it's too late" She pulled her arm from his grip and left by herself leaving him standing there with an ache in his heart that right now nothing could fix.

She couldn't do it to herself again, nor her baby. What kind of life would they have now? She knows everything he done behind her back, the things he said and done to her is something unforgivable. How did he even know about her appointment? She got in the first taxi she saw available outside the hospital just as he walked out the entrance with his head down. All the burning feelings she had for him are slowly drifting away, but still not completely gone. It was Hell having to live like this but she wouldn't give in.

The drive back was long but the walk was longer as the driver wouldn't dare to go through the forest, he left Eliza just over a mile away from her cabin, she didn't mind so much as right now she needed to clear her head, clear it of Ivan mainly.

If they did get back together she could never trust him again, the mate bond had already been broken so it wasn't like there was anything keeping her there, even when the mate bond was still in tact it clearly didn't mean anything to him, and by the end of it, it meant nothing to her either.

She got halfway home when all the packs pups came running through the wooded area for their training. She thought about her baby one day joining in, but that means she would have to be apart of the pack again, which she knew would happen eventually, there was no way Ivan would let his child grow up a rouge with only a human mum to support them. She signed as she sat on her porch feeling the exhaustion from her manic day, she couldn't help it, it happened without her realising, the tears started flowing as sobs shook her body. She was starting to give up, the only thing keeping her here was her baby, all she could think about was what sort of life they would have together.

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 Runaway || Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora