Chapter - 51

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Third Person’s POV
In Aditi's room Pratima and Radhika were talking and Aditi was seriously listening to them with a serious express.
PRATIMA : Bhabhi, why don’t you saying anything? Should we tell this to Adesh?
RADHIKA : Bhabi, I think there is something wrong. Natasha  suddenly came back and today that man…what’s was his name?
PRATIMA : Dhruv…
RADHIKA : yeah… yeah…Dhruv. I didn’t like, when he came out of nowhere and hugged Pritika… and I think Pritika also not fond of him. She was very uncomfortable in front of him.
PRATIMA : yeah… I also noticed that… but did you notice Natasha behind the store, when he was hugging Pritika?
RADHIKA : yeah… that’s why I am saying there is something fishy. I thought this Natasha had given up but now I think maybe it is her new plan to create misunderstanding between Pritika and Adesh.
PRATIMA : you are right Radhika bhabi, may be it is. Then we should definitely tell Adesh.
RADHIKA : Yes, we should tell Adesh. What if Natasha create any story and tell Adesh.
PRATIMA : Yeah, maybe she has captured photos of them hugging to show it to Adesh.
RADHIKA : Yeah it could be. Before that happen and Adesh misunderstand, we should warn him.
PRATIMA : yeah… let’s go…
ADITI : NO… no one will tell anything to Adesh.
Aditi who was quiet during their whole conversation suddenly spoke. Radhika and Pratima was little surprised by her statement.
RADHIKA : what do you mean bhabhi? What if Adesh misunderstand Pritika?
ADITI : If hearing some words from an outsider or seeing some photos, Adesh misunderstands his wife, then let him misunderstand.
Pratima and Radhika looked at Aditi confusingly.
ADITI : Radhika, if one day someone say you that he or she has seen Naresh hugging a woman… do you misunderstand him? Or will you confront him and first listen to his clarification? You will first talk with him before come to any conclusion… right?
Radhika slowly nodded her head. Pratima and Radhika now understood what Aditi was trying to say.
ADITI : you know why?... Because you trust him. There is 100 percent trust in your relationship. Radhika, Pratima this is not just any relationship. This is a relationship between husband and wife. A lifetime commitment. When there is 100 percent trust in your relationship, then there will be no misunderstanding…If by an outsiders manipulation he misunderstands his wife then their relationship isn’t strong. Now they are going to be Parents soon. It’s now their duty to make their relationship strong. We can only guide them when they will take any wrong steps. But they have to protect their relationship for them, for their children. It’s their duty. So no one will tell anything to Adesh.
Radhika and Pratima understood Aditi’s point. They also agreed with that. They were just praying that no misunderstanding will happen between them.
Natasha was again living with the Chauhans for some days. Nidhi was very happy that Natasha came back and she moved on, which Natasha has told Nidhi and she believed it.
Nidhi was lying on her bed when Natasha entered into her room after getting her permission.
NIDHI : Natasha di, do you want anything?
Natasha was acting as if, she was hesitated to say something.
NIDHI : Natasha di, you want to say something? Say it….don’t hesitate… you can tell me anything.
NATASHA : Nidhi… I know maybe you think I am saying this because I used to love Adesh and I still don’t get over him. But trust me after hearing Pritika is pregnant I never think to break their relationship but today what I saw… I am really worried for Adesh. I don’t want him to heart broken… I still care about him.
Nidhi looked at Natasha confusedly.
NIDHI : what happened? Why would my brother be heart broken? What are you trying to say? I don’t understand.
NATASHA : look..
Natasha showed some pictures to Nidhi. In the pictures Dhruv was hugging Pritika.
NATASHA : you remember Dhruv… right? Look they still have a relationship. She is cheating on Adesh.
Nidhi observed the picture for some time.
NIDHI : Natasha di, I think you are overthinking. Look this picture, it is clearly seen that bhabi is uncomfortable. I think maybe Dhruv had suddenly hugged her. During this eight months interaction with bhabi, I have realized, I was wrong. She is a good person. She will not cheat my bhai. I understand your concern but don’t worry. Bhai and bhabhi both love each other.
NATASHA : you have accepted her?
NIDHI : Actually yeah… but still now I haven’t called her bhabhi in front of her. I am showing some attitude. When my niece/nephew will born, I would start calling her bhabhi. I am very excited for them to come out. I can’t wait…
Nidhi was talking excitedly, then she noticed Natasha’s solemn face.
NIDHI : Natasha di, I understand your feelings. I hope you will also find a good partner soon.
NATASHA : I have already found.
NIDHI : Really???
Natasha nodded her head in response.
NIDHI : wow! Great… I am so happy for you…..Umm Natasha di, you will help me to pursue your brother?
NATASHA : of course… I will definitely help you.
Nidhi excitedly hugged her.
NIDHI : Thank you… you are the best.
Because of hugging Natasha, Nidhi didn’t notice the viciousness in Natasha's eyes.
“again!… again!...if this idiot don’t believe in the photos then there is no chance Adesh will believe it. No this is enough. Pritika, first you came between me and Adesh and now your children. I have tolerated enough. They have to die. First I let them die then you. I will finish you and your children. I don’t need anyone’s help. Your children are the reason this idiot also stop helping me. They have to die.” -  Natasha was thinking all kind of vicious plan in her mind while hugging Nidhi and Nidhi was completely unaware of this.
In Adesh and Pritika’s room…
Pritika was continuously moving her head in her sleeping position, as if, she was seeing any bad dream. Adesh who was sleeping beside her, woke up by her movement and noticed Pritika’s condition. He started calling Pritika to wake her up.
Pritika woke up with a jerk. Her forehead was completely sweaty and her breathing was heavy. Adesh held her in his arms and started caressing her back.
ADESH : Everything is fine… you just had a bad dream. I am here Pritika… everything is fine.
PRITIKA : sh….Adesh…
ADESH : shhh! First calm down....
Adesh wiped the tears which were rolling down from Pritika's eyes.
After Pritika calmed down little bit… Adesh asked her what happened.
PRITIKA : Adesh, I… I have seen  a very bad dream… my babies… my babies… they left me…
Saying this Pritika started crying…
ADESH : shhh! Pritika… it was just a dream… babies are completely fine. Don’t worry nothing will happen to them. You have just had a bad dream.
Pritika started caressing her baby bump with her hand. There were still tears in her eyes.
PRITIKA : Adesh… today something happened in the mall. (Said in sobbing tone)
ADESH : What? Why didn’t you call me? Why didn’t you said me anything earlier? What happened?
PRITIKA : Adesh… today….I don’t know why he suddenly came… I really don’t know…he said those things…
ADESH : who? Who are you talking about?
PRITIKA : Dhruv…
Hearing the name Adesh expression became little sour. It was clear the he didn’t like hear the name. But he didn’t response, he let Pritika continue….and Pritika’s mind was somewhere else, so she didn’t notice Adesh's expression.
PRITIKA : Adesh, Dhruv suddenly came and hugged me. But…
Hearing that Dhruv has hugged his wife, his expression became more annoyed.
PRITIKA : but when he hugged me…he said he was sorry… and he advised me to be careful because she can harm my babies.
Hearing this all annoyance flew away from Adesh's face and there was only confusion.
ADESH : what? Who? What do you mean?
PRITIKA : I don’t know, he had just said “Priti, I am sorry. Forgive me and Be careful Priti, she can harm your babies.” I don’t know what did he mean by that. I was confused. Before I could asked anything he left from there.
ADESH : Pritika, don’t think about his words…nothing will happen to our babies. Who will harm them? I will not let anyone harm them. I am here. I will not anything happen to them. You trust me… right?
Pritika nodded her head.
ADESH : Then just trust me… I will not let anything happen to them. No one can harm them. Now sleep…don’t think about his nonsenses… he is an useless man… he doesn’t know anything. Don’t give importance to his words. Now sleep…
Adesh caressed Pritika’s head to make her fall asleep. Gradually Pritika fell asleep.
Adesh laid down beside her but there was no sleep in his eyes. He was worried about his babies and Pritika. He thought “I need to talk with this Dhruv. I have to find out, What did he mean by his words. Who want to harm my babies? I have to find out.”
Adesh also gradually fell asleep keeping his hand on Pritika’s baby bump.

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