EP 59 - Best Day Ever

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You wake up the next morning and open the window. The cold wind immediately hit your body. You hug your body.

You saw your brothers still sleeping. You guys end up sleeping in the same room. Some sleep on the floor on the floor mattress.

You walk to the bathroom and wash your face. You also brush your teeth. You walk downstairs and open the front door. The guards bow to you as you did the same thing.

You walk to the seashore. You run around while play with the wave. You spread your arm and feel the breeze. You feel so happy. You have an idea to express your feeling.


Namjoon wake up first. He sit up and look around. He didn't see you. He wake Jin up.

Namjoon : Hyung, did you see Y/N?

Jin : She's not here?

He get up and walk to the window. He saw something that make he touched.

Jin : Guys, wake up !

Namjoon : What happen, hyung?

He walk to Jin and also saw the things.

Namjoon : Guys, wake up !!!!

He shout and make everyone wake up  immediately.

Jungkook : What happen? Did we under attack?

Taehyung : Someone wanna bomb us here?

Jin : Stop nonsense and come here!

He said loudly and all of them get up and walk to the window. We rub their eyes like we can't believe what we saw right now.

This is what they saw. And we also saw she look at them make a big heart on with her hand above of her head.

This is what she do.

She do the heart on the head while jumping around. Big smile plaster on her face. We smile back and rush going downstair.

We run outside and we saw that she was waiting for us with spreading arm. She was waiting for us to hug her. We run to her and hug her together. Jungkook carry her and spin her around.

This is how he carry you. But like a brother did to her sister.

We was so happy. Now our family is complete even though mom was not here anymore with us. But she live in our heart forever.


All of them didn't know that your father was watching you and your brother closeness. He felt warm and happy when he saw you guys.

Without he realise, his tears flowed slowly. He know how happy his son with your presence. He knows that you will complete them just like his beloved wife always say.

He watching you been chase by BTS. He giggled when Jimin caught you and carry you on his shoulder. Jimin throw you in the sea but not at deep area. BTS was laughing look at you.

You splash them with the sea water. Your father smile widely when he saw that you lost when your brother attack you back.

You wipe your face with the wet paw and walk to your dad with a pouty. Your face like sulking. Your father giggled as you come closer. You stomping and point at your brother.

Dad : They teasing you a lot, right?

You nod with pout.

Dad : Let's eat breakfast now.

He said as he take you inside. He cover you with towel and support you to your room.

 He cover you with towel and support you to your room

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This is what you wear.

You run downstairs and rush to the dining table. You saw the others already waiting for you there. You take a sit next to your father.

You about to take some food but your father already take it for you. You smile at him as he put the food infront of you.

Dad : Hope you like all the food here, sweetheart.

He said. You guys start dig in the food while have a chat. You just eat your food silently and look at them. You smile as you look at them.

Feel like you live with a different person. They was barely to smile and always cold with everyone around them before you got to know them.

But infact, they was warm person inside. The person that you know as a bully, actually a caring person. The person that used to hit you, shouting at you is actually a very soft talker person, very lovely and bright person.

You was happy to see this side of them. You happy you got to learn the new thing about them. They was not the same person.

You take a walk at the sea shore that evening. You take deep breath while staring far at the sea. It so calm but no one know how the condition under the sea.

?? : What are you doing here, baby?

You turn around and saw Taehyung. He was shirtless. He standing at your side.

Taehyung : What you doing here?

Y/N : Taking some fresh air.

You type on your phone. He look at you with his famous boxy smile. You feel weird.

Y/N : Why did you look at me like that?

You type again.

Taehyung : Why?

Y/N : You creep me out.

He giggled and he put one hand at your shoulder.

Taehyung : I'm happy. We're happy. You know why?

You raise one of eyebrows.

Taehyung : Because of you. Because you was here. With us. You completing us in a way that you can't even imagine. I just wish that mom was here but she can't be here with us anymore.

Y/N : But mom live in our heart, oppa. Mom always there.

Taehyung : You're right. She was there. And you now already be our guide star. Am i right?

You shrugged your shoulder and smile.

Taehyung : Thanks for accepting us, Y/N. I know it's hard for you after everything that happened. Thanks for the chance that you give toward us. We won't waste it. We'll make sure to pour you with love and happiness.

He said as he back hug you. You feel comfort with what he did.

Taehyung : May i know if you already forgive us for what we did toward you in the past?

You turn around and look at him. You type something.

Y/N : I have forgive all of you the moments i accept you guys.

He smile and hug you tightly. He hold your hand and walk with you at the sea side. He keep talking about random thing and sometime make you laughing.

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