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Chapter 395: 395: Because his wife is brilliant

Although the magnetic chips were still on his head, Zhan Lichuan still decided to personally take out the notebook that was on his wheelchair. He flipped it open and experienced the joy of his fingers tapping on the keyboard.

Soon, with his long fingers tapping on the keyboard, a video call appeared on the screen.

In order to avoid waking Jing Qian, Zhan Lichuan induced the sound to be carried directly through the electromagnetic clips on his head.

When the video call was suddenly clicked open, it showed a basement with only a dim light source.

Yun Zhou, who was chained by an iron chain, turned aggressive after seeing Zhan Lichuan on the screen.


Upon seeing Zhan Lichuan who was in one piece and with a much better complexion compared to the one earlier that day, most of them immediately turned excited.


“Boss, how are you?”

“Can…. can you move now?”

Zhan Lichuan did not answer their question. Instead, he turned and picked up the cup that was next to him. He unscrewed the lid and took a sip of water.

Upon seeing how Zhan Lichuan was able to move so smoothly, all of them gawked at him with their jaws dropping onto the ground.

“You’ve recovered!!!!!!”

“You have really come through!!!”

“Boss, when will you be able to stand? How long will you need for physiotherapy after this?”

At the same time, Hong Lu saw that Zhan Lichuan had already started working, which meant that it was time for her to rest since she was feeling a little sleepy. So, she opened the door and walked into the room.

When Zhan Lichuan saw Hong Lu walking in to do a final examination on his Grandfather, he immediately stood up.

The ones on the other side of the call also noticed that there were noises in the room. Then, they saw how Zhan Lichuan was able to stand up on his own and walked over to the other side of the room where they could no longer see him.

“What….. the f**k?!”

“He can stand and walk already?!”

“Wasn’t he paralyzed for four months? Wouldn’t there be muscle atrophy? Doesn’t he need physiotherapy?”

“Is he some kind of god?”

When Zhan Lichuan heard the gasping and surprising remarks that were coming from the call, there was a slight smile that uncontrollably appeared on his face.


Of course, there is.

But it isn’t him, it is his wife.

Hong Lu once again reminded Zhan Lichuan how to check Master Zhan’s drip and told him that if he wanted to rest, he could ask for the doctors on duty who were right outside.

Zhan Lichuan nodded.

He was not planning on getting the doctors outside since Jing Qian was sleeping in here.

Looking at the woman who was sleeping on the couch like a little kitten, he did not want anyone outside to be able to see it.

“Boss, how is it possible that you can already walk?! Have you completely recovered?!”

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