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Chapter 68

Du Wen Jing watched Mo Di rushed out of the room and heard his footsteps heading for the public toilet on the east corridor.

She surveyed the room. Seeing that the others were busy celebrating, walked to the bedroom and closed the door.

Du Wen Jing took off her hairband decorated with shiny cubes, each filled with a white powder.

Du Wen Jing had a hesitant look but thinking of her brother, she kept at it after all.

She quickly uncorked the sparkling wine and emptied three cubes of powder into it.

Mo Di was watching the surveillance on his phone in the men’s room.

The hidden camera was placed inconspicuously between the sofa cushion, facing the table where his school bag and the two bottles of wine were.

Du Wen Jing’s every action was caught on camera and it was all her own “initiative”.

There are two situations whereby recording from a hidden camera is unsubmissive in court. The first is that there were no illegal activities such as violence, coercion, illegal restraining, etc. The second is that it violates legal rights which includes privacy and the maintenance of the individual’s daily lives. Without infringing these two laws, the video can be used as evidence in court.

And Mo Di was well within these guidelines.

The camera angle he set was to monitor his own school bag and wine, it was to secure his own personal property. After all, there was valuable data in his bag and this was not a private space, what if someone sneaked in without his knowledge.

As for Du Wen Jing, she just happened to enter the frame on her own volition.

Mo Di had no intention to play the confronting game with Du Wen Jing. Without any delay, he reported to Mu Tian Heng, and eventually, the police were called in.

The police’s arrival was swift, in less than fifteen minutes, they were already at the hotel gate.

Even with the police at their door, Xian Yu Chao and the others were still in the dark. Only when they barged in amidst their high jinks that the group was shocked silly and stood frozen in place.

Wha… wha… What just happened?!

They had just ordered food, why did the police come instead?!!!

Du Wen Jing panicked. She pretended to be in need of the toilet in order to leave but was stopped by a policewoman who then handcuffed her.

“You’re Du Wen Jing right? Why don’t you come with us?”

“What are you doing? Why are you arresting me?!” Du Wen Jing struggled to break free and escape.

“That’s because you broke the law of course.” The policewoman was very much accustomed to apprehending criminals who tried to act innocent. She grabbed Du Wen Jing with force and pinned her on the ground.

“Ah!” Du Wen Jing screamed with pain.

“What’s going on? Why are you arresting my friend?” Seeing Du Wen Jing’s predicament, Zhao Chun stepped forward briskly, “Officer, is there a misunderstanding? My friend did not commit any crime, why are you arresting her?”

“We suspect she has drugs in her possession with the intention to intoxicate others. We’re taking her back for questioning.” The policewoman passed him her card, “If you have any doubt about our arrest, you can file a complaint at the station.”

“No, no… I certainly don’t mean any offense but…” Zhao Chun was full of disbelief looking at Du Wen Jing on the ground. “It’s just that there’s no way my friend has any drugs on her.”

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