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"Can I have a word with ya?" Osamu asked as he entered the room, and stared at his brother laying on the bed, and Kiyoomi Sakusa who is sitting beside Atsumu.

"Yeah, sure" Sakusa replied, retracting his palm from caressing Atsumu's cheeks.

He panicked earlier, well, that's an understatement though. Kiyoomi has no one on his phone book or friends in Messenger, so he quickly took Atsumu's phone from the latter's pocket. The phone needs a password and he has no idea what to type on there... It would have been better if Atsumu sets up fingerprint for lockscreen, but he didn't.

He tried 100595, Atsu's birthday, but it didn't work... He must be crazy doing this, with Atsumu on his lap breathing heavily.

He tried again, and again, and again..


and any other random set of number.

But surprisingly one worked.


Kiyoomi gulped. How much do you care about me, Atsumu? he thought to himself.

He quickly went to Atsumu's Messenger. The last person he messaged was named Samu 🍙... he read the message he sent him..
~Samu, when are ya heading back to Hyogo? Can we go together?


If he could remember it correctly, Atsumu mentioned this name before... So, he finally decided to give this guy a call... and there, Atsumu's twin brother arrived in a flash with worried expression as he approached Sakusa and Atsumu.

"I'm sorry about this, Sakusa-kun. He really is a pain in the ass." Osamu apologized as both he and Sakusa settled in the living room of Atsumu's apartment.

"I.. don't know what happened... I'm sorry."

"Ya don't haveta apologize." Osamu replied

And it was silence that took over. Kiyoomi glanced at the grayhead, and he surely is a replica of Atsumu... of course, they're twins after all, he reminded himself.

"Do you happen to like Tsumu?" Osamu asked turning his head towards the raven head.

"What-.. No, you got it all wrong... We're friends.. and-" Sakusa replied, his eyebrows meeting

"If I were ya, I would never let myself get close to Atsumu..." Osamu continued looking away, fiddling with his fingers.

"Why... What are you saying? You're his brother-"

"Exactly... and I know everything about him... For your safety and peace, stay away from him... He would only bring ya pain and sufferi-" Osamu exclaimed facing the now confused Sakusa

"How could you actually say that?! Atsumu isn't like that! He had always been so nice to me and he never cause me any trouble! Yes, he's a scumbag and an idiot sometimes, but he is a nice person... I don't know what happened between you two, but-"

"How long do you know him? I believe 6 months perhaps... Ya know nothing about Atsumu..."

"Yes. But, I don't need so much time to know that Atsumu is a very humble and thoughtful person-" Kiyoomi replied rather certain

"Oh yeah? So, do ya know that Tsumu was member of a gang? The leader in fact? Or do ya have any idea that the guy who beat him up is one of his former gang members? Do ya know, Atsumu almost got jailed? Do ya want to associate yerself with this kind of person!?"

"I... may not know everything... but I'm willing to get to know more about him, whether it's good or bad.. I don't care if people hates him or what... I... I won't leave him just because you told me to... I... I'll always be... his friend."

Osamu smiled bitterly at Sakusa.
"That's good to hear then. Thank ya."

"What?" the other asked more confused

"I... I hate it when people leave Atsumu alone... I'm sorry if I have to test ya... I just... couldn't have anyone hurt him again... hurt him like I did, and still doing... Well then, thank ya, Sakusa-kun" Osamu answered bowing his head after explaining.

"I just don't want him to be alone again... Because I never been there for him when he needs me the most... I even blamed him for everything that happened... I... I left him, avoided him... hated him for so long... I really wanna apologize, but I.. I couldn't face him... I.. I feel like he'll never ever gonna forgive me for it... I have no courage to face him ever again after that... I just... couldn't... do it..." Osamu said clutching his chest and crying.

Behind the two, Atsumu stood there, tears rolling down his cheeks. Never did he thought Kiyoomi would be willing to stay with him like this... Atsumu hides so many things to Sakusa, and he may be the worst person in the entire world, but knowing that the person he values the most is willing to stay no matter what... is something he would always cherish from now on. Omi may just consider him as a friend, but for that Atsumu is so much grateful.

And another thing that makes Atsumu cry and sob is how Osamu still cares about him, and how he worries about his feelings...He really thought Osamu and his relationship is gonna stay like this forever. Just hearing those words makes Atsumu realized how painful it has also been for Osamu.

Few years ago, Osamu was still dating Rintarō Suna. They broke up... because, Atsumu beaten up Rujin, Rin's older brother, almost killing up the guy for trying to rape Osamu. Rujin is 5 years older than them, and he drugged Osamu. Good thing Atsumu arrived and saved his brother. Atsumu was furious back then, and the guy almost got a wrecked face.

Rintarō got angry at the twins and decided to break up with Osamu without listening to what Atsumu has to say. Rujin make up some stories about what really happened. Rin and Osamu never talked after that, and that's when Osamu started hating his brother. He didn't listen to his brother, too, blaming him for losing his lover

But, eventually Osamu had known the truth from Akagi, one of their friends. The grayhead felt ashamed of himself, and never faced Atsumu after that.

But, Osamu still cares....

"Samu...." Atsumu whispered

The two turned their heads and saw Atsumu standing there, tears still pouring out.. He took a step, and Osamu quickly stood grabbing his bag off the couch, almost ready to head out

"Ya don't have to apologize to me, Samu... I.. forgive ya." Atsumu said making Osamu stopped on his track, and cried on his palms.

Atsumu walked near his brother, and wrapped his arms around him
"There, there... Stop cryin' now, Samu... Stop crying..."

~To be Continued~

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