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Someone knocked on my door lightly, "yes" I asked sitting up straighter and setting down my sketchbook. A dude with a curly black mullet stepped in and smiled, "nice hair. Uh Joyce wanted me to tell you that foods ready and there's some people here to meet....including me. I'm Eddie". I glanced at my pastel purple hair then back at him before getting up and following him, "I'm Y/n".

Once I walked into the kitchen there was a group of kids my age one side while the kids around will and els age stood on the other side. Then a dude in a cop uniform stood kinda in between while Joyce moved around. I made he contact with the cop and backed up a bit, not having good past experiences with them. He smiled slightly before looking at Joyce and offering to help, "no for the last time hopper. I can handle one simple dinner" she stressed out, hopper backed up and raised his hands in defence, "alright Joyce".

Eddie walked over to the older kids and told one of them something about me being here. A girl with brown short hair to her shoulders turned to me and instantly locked eyes with me. She had crystal blue eyes that almost looked like a storm and the most perfect lips I've ever seen. Her outfit showed she just got back from work and I loved the many pins on her jacket.

She looked away and back at a dude with huge hair who was looking at me too apparently. Robin turned her whole body so I couldn't see her face while Steve and her whispered things back and forth. "Hey honey. What are you allergic too" Joyce asked while setting out plates and stuff, "I'm lactose intolerant and that's it". She sighed in relief, probably regretting not asking before, then handed me a glass of water. Uh ok.

A girl with bright colors on walked over to me and smiled, "hi I'm Nancy. Sorry if theyre like scaring you or something. Robin is super awkward and Steve flirts with every girl he sees" she said while laughing slightly. I glanced back at robin and Steve and noticed robin hiding her face, "it kinda looks like he's making fun of her, are they dating" I asked confused but Nancy shook her head, "uh no theyre platonic with a capitol P apparently" she joked, clearly an inside joke.

Nancy reached into her purse and pulled a tiny candle, "Joyce told me you like candles so I bought you one awhile ago. I hope you like vanilla", I smiled and nodded "it's a good cover up smell". Just then will walked over with el and a few other kids, on practically being held on for dear life by el. "Hey Y/n this is Mike, Dustin, max, and lucas" will introduced. I nodded then looked a little at max and smiled slightly, "I like your hair". She smiled back, "I like yours too. Purple suits you". I noticed lucas scoot a little closer to her so I laughed slightly, "don't worry bandana I won't steal your girl, I'm not like that".

Everyone eventually started surrounding me and I started to regret following Eddie. Nancy stayed by my side most the time probably knowing how stressful these people can be and I appreciated it. I eventually got to talk to the famous Steve too that everyone was talking about. Before he could get a word out I looked at him emotionless and asked "so you're the famous Steve I'm guessing". Steve laughed awkwardly and looked at robin while widening his eyes, "I'm not really famous but yeah I'm Steve" he replied causing me to laugh.

"I'm kidding. I've just been warned for your powerful flirting moves" I told him while glancing at robin who was snickering to herself, I liked her laugh. "If you want a real flirter you should talk to robin here" he said while grabbing her by the shoulders and pushing her forward to me, instantly she started ranting. "I'm not someone who flirts with every. Single. Girl. That Lays eyes on them but I do flirt a tiny bit but not like the disgusting kind guys do where they make comments on body or backhanded complim-" steve covered robins mouth quickly and smiled.

"Uh she gets nervous around pretty girl. We'll be back" he said before dragging her away. I looked around the group of people and everyone was either laughing or rolling there eyes, "see, the flirter. Now I want to see your room. Let's go! ROBIN COME ON" Nancy said while calling robin over and them letting me lead them to my room.

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