chapter 55: magic is empty

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In the past two weeks, Xeron’s troops had not traveled too quickly. Even with this, there was still no news from Rashka’s side.

That evil spirit is most likely dead! Roy thought.

If he could think of it, so could Xeron. Xeron became enraged. He had thought that even if Rashka was unwilling to send too many reinforcements, he would send a few tens or a hundred of them. He did not expect Rashka would really leave him in the lurch!

In a fit of anger, Xeron ordered someone to bring him some water, and without regard for using up his magic power, he used the Water Mirror spell to attempt to contact Rashka.

This world also had this kind of magic for communication. However, due to the elements of this world being more active, long-distance communication magic had large interference, causing distortion, speech confusion, and so on. Thus, they only used this method when there was an urgent need. Otherwise, they would still use the more conventional method of sending letters.

The Water Mirror spell was similar to video conferencing. While Roy watched, Xeron managed to contact Rashka. In the water, Rashka looked blurry and distorted. Once connected, Xeron shouted at Rashka’s image, “Damn it, Rashka. It’s fine if you don’t want to give me reinforcements, but why kill the messenger I sent?!”

“Wh-what?” Rashka took a long time to respond. He looked confused, probably from not being able to hear what Xeron said clearly.

Xeron had no choice but to repeat it. Rashka was puzzled as he replied, “You sent someone to deliver me a letter? I didn’t receive anything!”

The voice opposite was also distorted, but Xeron could still make out what was said. He could not bear roaring, “Still pretending?! You think you can lie to me and blame this on the elves?”

“No, Xeron, listen to me!” Rashka explained hurriedly, “I’m not even heading toward the east of Erathia, but I’m now moving toward the north. I received news from Ignatius halfway. Lord Lucifer wanted to send Zydar to help attack Erathia, but unexpectedly, after reaching Erathia, Zydar betrayed us and wanted to form his own group. Ignatius’s scouts found his trail in the north, and he wanted me to go capture him. I didn’t go east, so how could I have received your letter?”

“Bullshit! Zydar betrayed us? How is it so coincidental?” The connection was not stable, and even though Xeron only heard dribs and drabs, he caught the keywords ‘Zydar’ and ‘betray’. He did not believe it. “Even if Zydar has betrayed us, why didn’t Ignatius send me a message?”

“How would I know?” Rashka was getting impatient with the questioning. “I alone am enough to capture Zydar. Why would he tell you? He said that he would take my place and attack the elves with you. He should be advancing together with you. You should look for him for reinforcements. Why are you looking for me?!”

Xeron heard Rashka’s words, but because of his preconceived notion, he remained suspicious of what Rashka said. Roy was chuckling in his head as he listened on.

In these past two weeks, Xeron’s army had encountered three large-scale battles, and they were all troops led by elven druids. Due to the slow progress and battles, even if Rashka had not sent any reinforcements, Ignatius’s reinforcements should have arrived. The problem was there were no reinforcements in sight from the rear!

Assuming Rashka was telling the truth, and he went to hunt down that demon Zydar and Ignatius took his place to battle alongside Xeron, then it did not make sense that Ignatius had not sent any reinforcements. They had initially agreed that Ignatius would summon high-level demons and send them to Xeron as reinforcements, but now, not only had that evil spirit messenger disappeared, even the reinforcements were missing!

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