Prettier than ever

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Nisha's home

"Why was Sahir saying that today is a big day ?
Don't know what will happen today.", thought Nisha.

Grandma - Nisha, Are you ready ?

Nisha - Yes grandma.

Grandma - Good then come outside and have your breakfast.

Nisha - Yes grandma, I am coming.

Nisha - Sahir will be here anytime.
And I haven't even had my breakfast yet.

Nisha goes to the dinning table running.

Grandma - Ary..calm down..why are you in so much rush ? There is still time for your school.

Nisha - I know grandma but Sahir will be here soon so that's why.

Grandma - Sahir ?

Nisha - Yes, he is coming to pick up me for school.

Grandma - Nisha but..

Nisha - Grandma, I will explain you everything but for now let me have the breakfast quickly.

Grandma - Okay.., said smiling.

"After so long, today Nisha is smiling again from all her heart.", thought grandma.

Doorbell rings.

Nisha - See, it must be Sahir.

Grandma - You wait, I will check.

Grandma opens the door.

It was Ayush.

Grandma feels disappointed.

Grandma - Nisha, it's not Sahir.
It's Ayush.

"Today again this Sahir will break my Nisha's heart. He always promises her that he will pick up her for school but he never fulfills it", thought grandma.

Ayush - Grandma, I have come to..

Sahir - You have come to leave.

Ayush turned behind to find Sahir standing there.

Ayush - You ?

Sahir - Yes me.
Why ?
Didn't you like seeing me here ?

Ayush looked at him irritatingly.

Sahir - Good morning Grandma.

Grandma - Good morning.

Sahir - See, I didn't break your granddaughter's heart today.

Grandma was shocked listening him.

Grandma - How do you know ?, asked shockingly.

Sahir - I know everything, said winking at her teasingly.

Grandma - I mean that why are you saying like this ?..

Sahir - Come on grandma, it's okay.

Nisha comes at door.

Nisha was looking extraordinary cute today.
Don't know what she had done today but she was looking cuter than ever. Everything was same.
Same school uniform, same hairstyle of plaiting her hairs in loose braids. Everything was same, nothing different but today the glow on her face was different.
She was glowing beautifully and that smile on her puffy cheeks was making her irresistible cute.

Sahir was mesmerized. He was looking at those strands of her hairs that were covering her tiny silver earrings that she used to wear everyday but today it was appearing more shinier than ever. It was suiting her. Those earrings were matching with the glow on her face today.

He was not able to resist himself from putting those strands of hairs behind her ears.

Sahir takes a step towards her but Nisha stops him.

Nisha - Sahir, why are you coming inside ?
We have to go na otherwise we will be late.

Sahir - Oh yeah.. let's go.,said coming back to reality.

Nisha - Ayush, I am sorry. I can't go with you today.

Ayush - It's okay, said faking his smile.

Nisha leaves with Sahir.

On their way to school.

Sahir was still looking at her while driving the car.

Nisha - Sahir, what are you doing ?
Look straight, you are driving.

Sahir - Yeah..
Can I ask you something ?

Nisha - Yes.

Sahir - Is there anything special today ?

Nisha - Special ?
No, it's just the normal day like everyday.

Sahir - Ohh..

Nisha - Why ?

Sahir - Because you are looking different today.

Nisha - Different ?
What do you mean by that ?
Am i looking weird ?
I am not looking nice ?

Sahir - Nooo noooo...
I mean..
Forget it.. nothing.

Nisha - have to tell me.
Please tell..pleaseeeee

Sahir - Okay...okay..wait..
I will tell you.

Nisha - Okay then tell..

Nisha was waiting for his answer.

Sahir - I meant to say that you are looking..

Nisha - Yes ?..What ?..Say ahead..

Sahir - You are looking more prettier today, said little hesitatingly.

Nisha was blushing.
She went on her silent mode again.

Sahir looked at her.

Sahir - See, that's why I was not telling you.
Again you went on your silent mode.

Nisha - No, I didn't.

Sahir - Oh really ?!..
I can see that.

Nisha - By the way today is indeed a special day. Maybe that's why I am looking pretty to you.

Sahir - Uhmm.. it's like that.
So what's special today ?

Nisha - Big day.

Sahir looked at her surprisingly.

Nisha - "Today is a big day", you said it yesterday.
Remember ?

Sahir - Yeah ofcourse..,said smiling.

Nisha - Yes..

Sahir - So that's why you are looking pretty.

Nisha - Leave these things..
Tell me na what is today ?

Sahir - You will get it to know in school today, said getting close to her.

Unrealistic Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें