Chapter 53 - Lost in dark

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Charlotte's POV

Once we finished having dinner at one of the best restaurants in the island, we strolled hand in hand, enjoying the starry night, and then, we went to the nightclub.

I took a few sips from my cocktail after dancing with my gorgeous fiancé.

"Thank you for bringing me here. The island is magnificent." I commented happily, wrapping my arms around Alex's neck.

"You are welcome, koukla mou." He winked at me before placing a chaste kiss on my lips.

His expression changed when he looked behind me.

"Are you okay? Where are you looking at?" I asked, worried and wanted to turn around to look where he was looking, but he grabbed my arm stopping me.

"Yes. I just thought I saw someone I knew, but I was wrong. It isn't him." He replied, giving me a nervous look. "Let's leave." He suggested, holding my hand.

"Isn't it early?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"I want to continue our night where we will be alone." He replied seductively, running his finger along my cheek. I nodded, giving him a bright smile.


I searched the other side of the bed sleepily. I frowned and opened my eyes as I couldn't find Alex.

"Where are you, Alex?" I mumbled worriedly, getting up, and put on his shirt before going to the living room.

Alex had been acting weird since we left the nightclub. Even when we made love, it was different; it was more brutal and rough. I couldn't say I didn't like it, but I knew something was bothering him.

When I walked into the living room, I found my fiancé drinking while staring through the window, preoccupied. He sighed, straightening, and placed his empty glass on the table before approaching the window without noticing me.

I walked towards him quietly and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind, placing a soft kiss on his naked muscular back.

"Are you okay?" I asked, leaning my head against his back, still hugging him from behind. "You look preoccupied." I added, caressing his chest.

"I am fine. Don't worry." He sighed and entwined our hands. "I couldn't fall asleep."

"After our bedroom workout?" I asked mischievously and ran my lips along his back without kissing it.

He chuckled in amusement and turned around.

"Maybe we should exercise more." He commented huskily, cupping my cheeks, and leaned his forehead against mine.

"I am ready to help you." I said cockily, making him laugh.

"Let's see if you can help me with my insomnia because tomorrow we have to leave early. So I wouldn't mind sleeping at least for a few hours." He commented, stroking my cheek affectionately.

"Early? But we planned to leave in the evening." I frowned, pulling back.

"I am sorry, but I had to change our plans, koukla mou. I have to go back to New York tomorrow to meet Omar about the project. It is urgent." He gave me an apologetic look and placed a tender kiss on my forehead, still cupping my cheeks.

I gave him a suspicious look. "Do you hide something from me, Alex?" I asked, pulling back slightly, and folded my arms over my chest.

"No, koukla mou. Come on. Let's exercise more." He said huskily, giving me a salacious look. I heaved a sigh and nodded. He smiled lazily and brushed his lips against mine before lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, kissing him back while he carried me towards the bedroom.

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