Post Mortem

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After Nadwe had run off after Dusk and out of sight, we all just stood in awkward silence.

Well, for most of us. Vizor was still angry that I had taken back control, and I could hear him complaining in the back of my mind.

I cleared my throat and spoke up. "So... what now?"

Akik sighed and turned around, rubbing his forehead in frustration. His tail lashed back and forth as he thought.

Woolfster walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Maybe he just needs some space," Woolf said.

"Maybe you're right," I said.

While everyone conversed about what we should do now, I found myself just staring up at Akik. I was worried about him. He's already been through a lot, and he's seemed so stressed lately. Oompa's death is just another burden to add.

That's when I heard him... muttering to himself. Like he was having a conversation with himself. I walked up behind him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"You good, Akik?" I questioned.

Akik growled, and shook my hand off. "Not! Really!" He growled.

I stepped back a bit, surprised by his harsh tone. He let out a long sigh, and continued to talk to himself as if talking to another person.

Then, I noticed the halo above his head.

I always knew he had it. It really never shows up unless he's really, really angry or stressed. But it was different this time. One half of the halo was its normal glowing yellow, but the other half was jet black, like a shadow.

"What's... up with your halo?" I questioned Akik. Akik didn't answer, angrily talking to himself.

At one point, he growled in annoyance, and shouted out,


Everyone got silent pretty quick, turning to Akik in surprise.

My worry for him seemed to increase.


Akik took a deep breath in, then let it out in a long sigh. The split halo suddenly faded away, as if it was never there.

He turned around and looked at us.

"Sorry about that," he sighed, "They've been... arguing in my head all day, and it's just getting on my nerves, so..."

I blinked.



"Who are 'they?'"

Akik looked away and scratched the back of his head. "It's... complicated."

"You can tell me," I said.

Akik looked at everyone else surrounding us.

"Could I... tell you somewhere more secluded?" He asked.

"If that's what you want," I shrugged.

Suddenly, Akik wrapped his arms around me, spread his wings, and launched himself in the air. My breath was completely knocked out of me from surprise. Once we were a good distance in the air, Akik shifted as to allow me to crawl onto his back so I felt more secure. After that, he flew off to the north.

After a little bit, we landed in the one clearing we always seem to go to. The one surrounded by silver-barked trees, with a cliff overlooking Xero's crystal-like ocean. Akik set me down, and I took a moment to regain my balance after being in the air.

Broken Symmetry (NTB Book 2) (A Socksfor1 AU)Where stories live. Discover now