Chapter 8

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Y/N tried not to show the shock at the revelation that this woman was her grandmother. Before she could say anything to Suliman, however, the aeroplane set down outside the greenhouse and Jack went to open the door. A tall man dressed in a military uniform stepped through the door, his eyes hidden beneath the rim of the cap. 

"Your Majesty," Suliman said with a small incline of her head.

"As you were," the king said, his bushy moustache twitching slightly as he spoke. "So then, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Thought I'd drop by rather than sit through a dull war meeting."

"What an honour."

The king glanced up at Y/N and over at Sophie. "Who are your guests?"

"This is Howl's mother, Mrs Pendragon. And this," she took Y/N's hand in hers, rubbing the back of her hand gently with her thumb, "is my granddaughter, Y/N. Surely you remember her from a few years back."

The king stepped closer to Y/N and nodded. "Of course. I remember you teaching her everything that there was to know about magic. I am thrilled that you have returned, at last, Y/N." 

Then the king turned to Sophie. "Thanks for coming. But I've decided not to use magic to win this war. We have tried using Madam Suliman's magic to shield our palace from the enemy's bombs. But the bombs fall on civilian homes instead. That's the problem with magic. Right, Suliman?" The king glanced over his shoulder at his head sorceress.

"You're so eloquent today, Your Majesty."

Suddenly another booming voice echoed through the greenhouse and Y/N paled when she saw another copy of the king walk through the door, waving a piece of paper in the air. 

"Sulliman!" He certainly seemed pleased. "I've got a new battle plan. This time we're gonna beat them to a pulp." He noticed the stranger in their midst and laughed boisterously. "Suliman, that's the best double you've made of me yet! Keep up the good work!" He turned on his heel and strode out of the room, ordering a servant to call his generals.

The silence stretched through the hall much longer than Y/N would have liked and her eyes flickered between the double of the king, who she assumed to be Howl, and the woman claiming to be her grandmother, who still had a gentle hold on her hand. 

"So nice to see you again, Howl."

Howl bowed in respect, placing a hand over his heart. "You're looking well, Madam Suliman."

"Rather weak disguise. Didn't I teach you better?"

"I'm not trying to outwit you. I kept my oath, I reported when summoned. Now Mother, Y/N, and I will go." Howl wrapped an arm around Sophie as his body returned to its normal form. His hand shot out and Y/N felt her body being pulled towards Howl. Unfortunately, Suliman's magic seemed stronger and she easily pulled Y/N back, throwing her to two servants who held her back and out of the way.

"I'm afraid not," Suliman said. She glanced over her shoulder at Y/N. "I am sorry my dear. I know you love him more than you loved magic, but I must rid Howl of his demon." 

She turned back to Howl with a cunning smirk on her face and tapped the bottom of her elegant throne. A wave erupted from where her staff had hit the ground, surging toward Howl and Sophie. Y/N struggled in the grasp of the henchmen and watched as the entire room was flooded with water. As Y/N watched, the water turned to sky, with the earth floating thousands of miles below them. 

"Now whatever you do, don't look down," Howl instructed Sophie, though his eyes remained fixed on Y/N. He could see her struggling in the grasp of his old mentor's servants. 

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