2.01 Beggin' On Your Knees

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To no one's surprise, Jesse and Lily win the dance competition. Their American smooth routine goes off flawlessly and shows a level of chemistry and trust between the two dancers which seems to push them right over the edge into taking first place.

Along with their win comes numerous congratulations from basically everyone present. Unfortunately, this includes one person Jesse could more than do without.

"Can't say it's much of a surprise you won."

Jesse stiffens in front of the mirror before he takes a deep breath and calmly finishes removing his stage makeup. When he's done, he turns around to look at Bryce Colton who is leaning against the doorway with a smile.

He can't help but wrinkle his nose slightly when he sees it. His smiles are always so smug- cocky even, and not in the cute way Beck gets sometimes.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

"I wanted to see the competition," Bryce tells him. He pushes off the doorway and walks over. "I wanted to see you."

Jesse can't possibly look more unimpressed. "The feeling is far from mutual."

"Come on, Jesse. You don't have to say that."

"I do actually because it's true." He gives him a painfully polite smile as he brushes past to reach the door. "Can't say I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Wish you hadn't. Bye now."

Bryce makes a move like he's going to stop him, only to hold both hands up in surrender at the glare it earns him. "Where are you heading so fast? Got plans or something?"

"He does."

Jesse turns at the familiar voice and can't help but smile.

"What's he doing here?" Beck asks. He steps forward to stand beside and slightly in front of Jesse, putting himself between the two of them.

"I came to see the show," Bryce tells him. He makes no attempt to hide the way he looks directly at Jesse. "I have to say, the view was great."

Jesse frowns at the suggestive tone and the wink that follows, automatically wrapping one hand around Beck's arm. He can feel how tense he is and knows they need to leave now before he snaps.

Not to say he's really opposed to Bryce Colton getting hit, but he hates the idea of the jerk managing to get under Beck's calm and collected skin.

"You can keep your eyes to yourself," Beck grits out with a dark glare.

Jesse lets his hand slip down Beck's arm to link their fingers together as he moves so he's the one standing between the other two. "Let's just go," he says quietly. "Beck, babe, he's not worth it. Let's go."

Beck glares at Bryce for another moment before he looks at Jesse and his entire face softens. "You sure?"

Jesse nods. "Yeah. I'm sure." He smiles and tugs lightly at their linked hands. "Come on. We've got plans, remember?"

"That's right. We do."

Beck throws Bryce a smug smile as he says it and Jesse nods slightly when he sees. It's much cuter on Beck.

Bryce watches them walk out the door and, true to form, can't resist getting one last word in. "I'll see you around, Jesse," he calls.

"Hope you don't," he calls back, not even looking at him as he feels Beck tighten his grip on his hand.

Once he deems them a safe distance away, Jesse gently pulls them to a stop and grabs Beck's other hand in his. He squeezes lightly as he looks at him, brows furrowed in concern. "Beck, you know you have nothing to worry about, right?"

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