Plans go wrong

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-Chapter 7-

I chased Alexander around the whole school until he finally gave in. It was tiring work but it was worth it.

Do you know why?

Well it was because of a bracelet. It was a white braided bracelet, with black beads that had the letters M-I-K-A-S-A, in white. It was cutest thing I've ever seen. I'm actually wearing it now.

I'm at home now, fast isn't it? I've known Alexander for six chapters. I don't think I've ever made such a close friend that fast before. I'm so glad Alexander is encouraging me with who I like. When Courtney comes back which is like in another week, I'll make sure I'll introduce her to Alexander.


Who could it I asked myself as I reached for my phone on my nightstand.


Darren: Want to go watch a movie this weekend?

Did he message the wrong person? Couldn't possibly be me.

Mikasa: I think you might have messaged the wrong person.

Darren: I'm pretty sure this is you, Mika.

So he didn't?

Mikasa: What is this, a prank?

Darren: No, I just got two free movie tickets.

Mikasa: Why me?

Darren: Does that mean you don't want to go? I can always invite another girl.

Mikasa: I never said that.

Darren: Then I take that as a yes. 1:30 tomorrow, at Hoyts highpoint. See you there.

I was about to type back but then I realised what was the point? He was right; I really did want to go. I couldn't help but smile. I hugged my pillow tightly, probably suffocating it.

I need to tell Alexander but he didn't have social media.

Oh right, I might have asked for his number and added it to my contacts. I searched through my contacts, praying that I actually did.

Yes, found him.

I pressed the call button and wait.

Please pick up, please.

'Hi, what's up Mikasa,' I heard Alexander's voice over the other side.

'You wouldn't believe it!' I yelped.

'Aliens are finally visiting Earth?' he asked jokingly.

'More bizarre than that,' I couldn't help but chuckle at his reply.

'I don't know about that Mikasa, alien's visiting Earth is pretty bizarre,' he replied.

'Darren is inviting me to the cinemas tomorrow at Highpoint!' I screamed over the line.

No reply.

'Alexander you still there?' I asked.

'Oh, ah yeah. I think I just saw a rat,' he finally replied.

'Aren't you happy for me?' I asked a little disappointed.

I thought maybe he would have been a little more excited like Courtney. Well boys are different, not to be sexist or anything.

'Of course I am, did you say yes?' he asked.

'I did, should I have said no?' I asked a little worried now.

'Yes. I mean no, if you like him then it's perfectly fine,' he replied.

'That's good then,' I answered.

'If that's all you wanted to say, I'm going to hang up now. I have an assignment to finish, sorry,' he apologised.

'No it was...' I didn't get to finish because Alexander had already hung up.

Poor thing he must be really busy.

I'm so excited though.

I wonder if I'll be able to sleep tonight?

What should I wear tomorrow?

What movie are we going to be watching?

Saturday morning.

Today's the day!

I'm going to watch to the Cinema's with Darren.

I got out of my bed and did a little dance. I've never felt so ecstatic in my life.

I'm going to dress really nice today.

I opened my cupboard, which was filled with clothes but I'm not the spoiled type. I don't go shopping every single week or anything. I just don't seem to grow so I have a lot of clothes from the past years I still fit. I like to match things up and make new outfits.

I picked out what I was going to wear, it was simple really. I thought about it the whole of last night. Yes and I am very serious about all this. My crush is inviting me to the movies.

So here's what I'm going to wear: beige knitted sweater, black skirt, black stockings, shiny black flats (I know knight I should be batman.) and a fuzzy warm scarf. I tied my hair into a messy bun and added the tiniest bit on clear lip gloss. I'm not a fan of makeup; I never understood why people would cover up their faces with such things.

I'm not always this fancy. It's just on particular occasions like this one, especially this one.

I had told my mum that I would go watch a movie with my classmate. I just didn't say it was Darren. She would then make a big deal out of it, I didn't want to argue with her. It's not like anything was going to happen anyway.

I packed my things into my brown side purse that I got for a birthday present. Keys check, purse check, book check, phone check and chewing gum?

When I had got everything I needed I walked to the bus station.

I checked the time, it was exactly 1:00 but the bus hadn't arrived yet? This is strange. I needed the bus to come soon because I need to get off and catch another bus to take me to Highpoint. God dammit. I knew I should have woke up a little earlier. What was I thinking to mess up on a day like this?

I won't be late.

I can't be late.

The movie starts at 1:30.

At this rate I won't make it on time.

Will he wait for me?


So did you like this chapter?

I left it at a cliffhanger, so do you think Mikasa will make it on time? If she doesn't will Darren wait for her?

Stay tuned for the next chapter! I will update as soon as I can.

Oh right, if you have any suggestions feel free to ask! (Private message me.) As a writer I'm always looking for new ideas!

Hope you enjoyed,


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