Chapter 3: Run

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I am gasping, desperate for air to fill my lungs. Sweat drenches my body and my muscles are spasming.

And people do this shit for fun?!

Okay, maybe I am being a little dramatic. But seriously who voluntarily puts themselves through this torcher? Running is painful!

I have finally accepted that the death fortune-telling ability I have is not going away anytime time soon. Of course, I could never just ignore it, so I am trying to make it more bearable. Maybe if I was stronger and fitter I could get to people quicker and be more of a help.

Would be awesome if I could get less hurt in the process too.

My grazes from the fall the other day have been healing well. Still a little sore and in pain but nothing I can't deal with.

So here I am. lying on my bedroom floor struggling to catch my breath.

After my little recovery session, which consisted of my lying on the ground for 15 minutes motionless. I am dressed, refreshed, and ready to go.

I am wearing skins with my baggy hoodie. I have learned the hard way to wear easily movable clothing, you know- just in case I need to run and jump in front of a truck or something.

And let me tell you jumping into a pool in a skirt and trying to swim to save some kid drowning is not fun.


School is the usual, I am constantly on edge for the sound and going out of my way to avoid Ray. This consists of me walking in the opposite direction to him even if it is the longer route to my class, to hiding behind students.

It's pathetic really.

And while I know I will see him Friday, the less I see him in general the better it is for my health. Because every time I see him or and near him it's like my body is about to combust into flames and only he can save me.

I hate it.

I hate him having so much control over me. I need to get over him, hence why I have been avoiding him.

Whoever said avoiding your problems only makes it worse is wrong, this shit is great!

I am so lost in my thoughts that I slam into a wall. A hard, slightly warm, and very muscular wall?

And then I feel the fucking butterfly in my stomach and sparks on my skin. Out of everyone in this whole fucking school I have to run into him. Figures.

I glance up to find Ray looking down at me with a concerned expression. I forgot how enormous he really is. I have to tilt my head up just to see him.

I quickly create some distance between us, allowing my brain to start functioning properly and not be hazed by his intoxicating cologne.

"Ah sorry... I didn't mean to..." I mumble, my words dying off.

He smiles softly at me and I think I just died a little inside. My cold exterior unwillingly cracked a bit.

Who allowed him to have the most gorgeous smile ever?

"No worries Tate. How are you doing? You're grazes okay?" He says, concern lacing his voice.

I shrug, "honestly I can't really feel much. I'm pretty dosed up on pain killers right now" I say jokingly, hoping to score another one of his killer watt smiles. What can I say? They are addictive.

He doesn't smile though, instead, he frowns. I don't like when he isn't smiling. I just want to smooth the crinkles between his brows and make him smile again. Fuck I am so whipped.

"Let me take a look," he says taking a step forwards.

I take a step back. "Ah, that's really not necessary, honestly," I say, glancing around me to see if any of the students milling around the hallway are watching. "I actually better be going you know..."

His stupid aromatic cologne is clouding my senses and making me a little dizzy. Best to quickly leave, before you know I catch more feelings- or do something crazy and act on my feelings. That would be embarrassing. My fragile heart can't deal with another rejection right now.

He doesn't accept my answer though. He gently grabs my wrist leading me to an empty classroom. "I want to be a doctor so this will be good practice for me" he grins back at me. And I follow him like a lost puppy, because who can deny that smile?

Once in the room, he turns to me. He lightly grabs my arm, inspecting the grazes.

His fingers grasp the side of my shirt and he gently lifts the side of my top to look at the grazes. The tip of his fingers skim my skin and I gulp.

I hold my breath, desperately trying not to breathe in his alluring scent, it is making me feel things I shouldn't.

"I thought you said to the teacher that your dad is a doctor?"

I grimace, "Yea... He is."

He frowns. "This isn't treated right. It is going to get infected if you don't apply some antiseptic ointment" He glances up at my face, wearing a confused expression.

I shrug avoiding his gaze, "I never said that my Dad would check it out..." I die off awkwardly.

His frown deepens, the edges of my shirt still between his fingers.

"Here I have some savlon in my bag," he says grabbing his bag. He sifts through it before pulling some cream tube.

I raise an eyebrow.

He gives me a sheepish grin, "Who knows when you are going to need it... I mean, you need it"

I hold my hands up in surrender, "Hey, no judgment here. I just didn't realise people carry around savlon in their bag."

"Yeah well you should be thankful I do" He grins back, eyes glinting. "So shush in the cheap seat and let me apply this."

I can't help but laugh, and it feels nice. I haven't laughed in a while.

He is very careful when he applies the cream. My body tenses when his fingers brush my skin, sending a trigger of sparks through my body. He apologises thinking he hurt me. I don't correct him.

The bell rings, breaking me out of my dazed trance, reality kicking in. What am I doing? Allowing myself to let him make me feel these things. It will only hurt me more in the end.

Because the fact is Ray is dating Lily. Not me.

I sigh jumping off the desk. " Thanks, I should go now."

"Ah yea" He rubs the back of his neck. "I'll see you Friday?"

I refrain from grimacing, "Yea, see you Friday."

Tied TogetherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora